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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  European champion : who ?

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Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

1. Who will be the real european champion, not the lucky guy who has a truck and enough money to go to Ludwigs...
2. What will be the weight of his/her pumpkin?

1. A Belgian grower (perhaps Jos...)
2. 484 kilos

I forecast the european cup will leave Spain and Caceres to go to Belgium...and the european champion of Ludwigs will go to a belgian grower too.

What do you think about that?

3/4/2005 10:17:44 AM


Itzetown City

I forecast "sweden-gustavson", on condition that he get no cystitis. lol

3/4/2005 10:56:40 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

he who laughs last, laughs best

3/4/2005 11:01:14 AM

Eaglewood (Lars) Sweden


1. Someone with a large greenhouse, someone ho is wild and crazy and give it all. Someone who also have some good seeds. Someone who has growing for some years will do it.
Why not me...but as Langevin says
"the bullshit stops when the tailgate drops at the weigh off"
2.510 kg

3/4/2005 12:27:17 PM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

I guess that it depends on the weather too.. We have great growers from south (Italy, Spain) and North (Sweden). I guess that those in middle (like France, Belgium, Germany) have the greatest chance to avoid extreems, i.e. too cold or too hot weather.

So, I can not say who but I wish that somobody hits 500 kg!

3/4/2005 12:27:20 PM


Montoursville, PA

There has been one, of your countrymen, who has been snooping about America, on several occasions recently. It is my thinking that he may be taking notes and planning, to rumble with you all, in this competition. I have it on strong grapevne that he is headed, for Canada, to take further lessons. I would at least keep an eye, on this dude. :)

This sounds like great fun and competition too. My best of the growing year, to all of you. We will watch, for your posts and comments, during the growing season.
Dwaine Gipe docgipe

3/4/2005 1:42:54 PM


Udine, Italy

I agree with my friend Jernej: I think that weather play a fundamental role; in case of cold summer as is 2004 in my opinion European biggest pumpkin could came from Spain (60% of possibilities), from south of France (20%), other countries (20%). In case of hot summer as in 2003, 40% of possibilities to Spain, 40% to Sweden, 20% other Countries. I hope weight over 1100lbs. Just for fun, Paolo.

3/4/2005 2:01:28 PM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

Dwaine, do you think about Carlos, or Michel?

You know, I'm taking notes, and planning a lot of things...but I'm sure I wont' win (this year ...LOL). Taking notes is not growing, and planning is not winning.

I won't win. And you know why?
Due to some of my recent posts, a Monsanto's agent is tring to kill me ...LOL. Avoid Monsanto 's products is not the best thing you can do for our pumpkins, of course, but it could be the best thing for your child. For sure.

But remember, European Cup will go in a Belgian house in october 2005.


3/4/2005 6:06:27 PM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

Jos, please ! It must be you !

3/4/2005 6:07:48 PM


Itzetown City

I guess doc is talking about thus crazy englander that used his us trip for racoon hunting. ROFLMAO

3/4/2005 7:30:02 PM



Bonjour à tous,

20% de chance pour la France,au concours européen !!!

Je dirais plus.

Nous sommes nombreux à avoir compris comment faire un

Potiron de plus de 1000 livres..

Je fais partis des leaders en France.1027.5 L année derniere.

Mais il y a beaucoup de concurence.

Que le meilleur gagne !!!


3/5/2005 3:20:14 AM



Hello with all,

20% of chance for France, with the European contest!!!

I would say more.

We are numerous to have included/understood how to do one

Pumpkin of more than 1000 pounds..

I make parties of the leaders in France.1027.5 L year derniere.

But there is much concurence.

How the best gains!!!


3/5/2005 3:22:18 AM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Fabrice, c`est un "test" de mon francais.. Je n`ai pas compris bien.. tu a potiron de 1027.5 lbs l`année dernière?

3/5/2005 6:58:17 AM



Your French is good.yes 1027.5 record of France with

1178 Wentzell.

1027.5=1178+838 bobier

3/5/2005 7:19:34 AM


Udine, Italy

Hi Fabrice,
I didn’t wont to offence anyone giving the % of success in growing the biggest pumpkin in Europe 2005, as I told it was just for fun. My opinion is based on previous results and considering that statistically as large is the number of growers as difficult is to win. For example considering who could be the next World Record Grower, there are at least 10 heavy growers that have a lot of possibilities but 100% divided 10 became 10% (low probability); this doesn't means that a grower that has 10% of possibilities is not a good grower but only that there is a lot of competition. About European championship I hope that David wins another time against Goliath, this could give a chance for me and other under 1000lbs (very very under 1000lbs) growers.
Best regards, Paolo

3/5/2005 9:37:08 AM

Sophie A.

Esneux / Li�ge / BELGIUM

I appreciate the very very under 1000 lbs :-)
But do you think really that David will win...?
Jos, Carlos, Jean-Louis and Fabrice are professionals (maraîcher, vigneron, horticulteur, vigneron). I think that some of us have much experience in growing (pumpkins, what can explain their succes.


3/5/2005 2:17:05 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


Really nobody can predict anything. All that guessing might be fun but that's all.
Experience is one thing but if you don't have the right weather, soil and seed you won't succeed.


3/5/2005 4:07:34 PM


Atlanta, Georgia

Even if you have a great seed like the 845 Bobier 00, you never know what you are going to get...
right Martin!

I'm hoping for a new personal best this year with great seeds and a much improved patch, and I hope I won't mess up and lose anything to frost. What I would expect this year is to see another year of extreme weather though...either cold or hot, wet or dry. We all have to prepare for any surprises.

3/6/2005 1:03:19 AM

Duchezeau JL

Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE

I am everything your made all right with Michel and Martin, it is necessary that everything conditions is gathered the seed, weather, ground, pollination.

3/6/2005 2:52:08 AM

Don Quijot

Caceres, mid west of Spain

I fully agree with Jernej comment. As far as I've seen European countries with their different soils and climates and knowing what pumpkins like, in Europe it depends on how the summer goes on.
There are many good growers out there in Europe, of course a much smaller number than in America, but each year we are more and with better knowledge. So the 500 Kg barrier is likely to be overpassed soon, I believe this very year.
Where? from Sweden to Spain, each country can get it for sure. Belgium is a good challenger, but also is UK, Germany, France, Italy, Slovenia.
Because more important than the climate and the year is the grower. A good AGP grower has to have his mind very open to receive and test new ideas, and the eyes widely open as well in order to recognize what their plants need, and the time and hands to do it withour any delay.
Keys: perfect soil, lot of manure, lot of water, appropiate temp, no a single weed, perfect care every day (selection, conducting and burying vines; selection, positioning, shading of fruit), efficient desease prevention... and good music in the garden (my pumpkins love Bach's Brandemburg concerts).

3/9/2005 2:56:55 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Hi Carlos, you do not show up much here lately, but when you do it is always with some good advice. Bach huh, now the secrets are coming out...LOL

3/9/2005 3:24:21 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


3/9/2005 9:13:59 AM


Azores,terceira Island

becareful out there i have passed out a few seeds could be someone from Portugal!!! and by the way me and my friends would like to thank all the growers that shared seeds...Ryan

3/17/2005 7:21:16 PM

urban jungle

Ljubljana, Slovenia

I have just checked the diaries and it looks like Jos is on the way to bring the record to Belgium. Boerje is by his plan too... It will be fun to watch the game!

5/2/2005 11:45:00 AM



I think the championship will go to Greece.

Why Greece? That`s quite simple. Because the Greeks have a run, they`ll win just everything. Who got European Champion in Soccer? Who just won the European Song Contest? You see ...

And besides that just don`t forget Austria - LOL!

5/24/2005 3:51:12 AM

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