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Subject:  Stunted Secondary

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South Dakota


Please take a look and tell me what you think. Same problem last year. Please comment.

6/6/2020 8:28:46 AM


Centennial Colorado

Probably lack of sunlight or lack of magnesium. I had the same issue this year and after adding epsom salt it really took off. Here is a link to growing giants which had a similar issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6x7iHRlKXo

6/6/2020 8:58:25 AM



Do not know why but sometimes it just happens and here is one pretty decent growers way of compensating. Hopefully some others will also chime in.

6/6/2020 9:54:15 AM


Syracuse, NY

97, how much Epsom salt(s) and to how much water and to what, the drench or a certain point along the vine?
as far as i ever recall or have read, it is not good to bury any secondaries until they are at least several feet (4, 5?) long and to me, that would include along the main vine until the plant is getting out of its 8' x 8' greenhouse. i never have gotten around to any of it early enough to say what i KNOW, lol, so, i'm just throwing the ??? at 'yall, not just 97 - thanks---eg

6/6/2020 4:28:54 PM


Central NY

I’ve got a few stunted... didn’t care much until the woodchucks ate the others...not too worried...these plant will goooo once they hook up. Could it be a deficiency?...sure, but If you amended your soil I’d pass it off ...we bury sides as soon as they lay down...every node is it’s own root system...wait awhile to bury?... yer waiting to root also. Next up?...pinching tertiarys...all of them...unless you need to fill space. Looks good to me

6/6/2020 4:49:24 PM


Westmoreland, KS

Lj the video 97 shared was my plant 4 days ago but we’ve had sun all of June and now the secondaries are going crazy! I spray the leaves every night after the sun goes down with kelp and or humic acid with a mix of epson salts all real light. Plus water and fertilize every other day. This keeps the plants looking green and healthy that Is my main goal. The plants will take off when they want to!

6/6/2020 5:13:51 PM

Jay Yohe

Pittsburgh, PA

If I get a bunch of rain it will stunt my secondaries. I blame it on the fact that my drainage stinks.

6/7/2020 11:48:32 PM

Jay Yohe

Pittsburgh, PA

If I get a bunch of rain it will stunt my secondaries. I blame it on the fact that my drainage stinks.

6/7/2020 11:48:46 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Great advice Jake!!

6/8/2020 11:43:35 AM

Total Posts: 9 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 9:40:32 AM
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