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Subject:  Easy way to grow big

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719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

How to grow big, as in over 1000, without using hundreds of dollars? Is it even possible? I know that the main things, are genetics, and soil, and i was wondering how to grow in mediocre soil, with mediocre genetics, and get a slightly better than mediocre pumpkin. Also, for next year, i will have good generics, not sure what, and will prep a 10 by 10 area for the pumpkin, but dont know if it will be able to get big, by just doing that much.

Thoughts, theories, and facts are welcome. Thanks in advance.

6/4/2020 8:45:25 AM


Merrimack NH

If you want to grow a 1000+ pound pumpkin, your going to need a bigger space than 10 X 10. 20 X 20 at a minimum, 30 X 30 much better. If you have good soil & a good amount of sun, you can grow a big pumpkin without breaking the bank.

6/4/2020 10:37:28 AM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

I will be growing in a 20 by 30, but will only br able to add soil ammendments to a bit of it. I have sun from about 8 am, to 4pm, so about 8 hours of sun, somedays more. My soil is almost complete sand though, so wont be great soil.

6/4/2020 11:37:50 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

If you are feeling energetic, you could collect maple leaves and law clippings that are free of Roundup, etc. and compost them. Another low-cost option would be to collect and compost your own manure. Look around in your community and see who has critters and have a friendly chat with the owner(s) and volunteer to take some crap off their hands, lol! They usually have more than they want to deal with.

Bnot moved to a new place relatively recently and is also dealing with amending sandy soil. I'm in my second year and yup, sandy soil here too.

Vine burying and training can help you grow 'em big without any cost except time and effort.

Good luck to you, Grower!

6/4/2020 12:00:36 PM


Ironton, ohio

Nice post grower, sounds like we're riding in the same boat. I'm growing in 25x25 but amended a 16x16 Xmas tree pattern. Growing a 933 Berard. My hope is 400lbs this 1st year. Plan is to log everything I do read as much as possible and do better next season. Good luck and everyone keep the tips and advice coming.

6/4/2020 7:36:19 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

There are no shortcuts to success in anything in life that is tough to do, including growing a 1000 lb pumpkin.

Great genetic seeds grown in sand or poor soil will almost always result in mediocre results.

Having great soil should be your main goal, adding compost, manure, leaf compost and other amendments will get you nearer your goal than any magic seeds or super genetics.

Build your soil (it can take years) and learn something new every year and it won’t take you long to have success in the patch and grow a 1000 lb pumpkin.

Best of luck.

6/4/2020 10:42:50 PM


Westmoreland, KS

If you are wanting to get 1000 pounds or more you will need to water often, get you a fertilizer like 10-10-10 and just keep feeding it. Making sure you keep it weeded and bug free. This will be your main focus. 1000 will not be easy on a budget but it can be done...keep it healthy and you'll do good. Personally I think anything over 500 pounds is damn big.

6/4/2020 10:43:34 PM


Walhalla, ND.

It can be done on a very low budget. The best bang for your buck is a soil test and fertilizer to get things started. I would also recommend Urea mate for foliar application. I purchased a 25 lb bag for $75 3 years ago and I still have enough for this year. The rest is lots of work, like burying secondaries. Not to brag or anything but I have yet to grow one under 1000 lbs.

6/6/2020 4:02:53 PM


Central NY

Hobbit cheats

6/6/2020 4:29:11 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Thanks, but also wanted to know, how do you cheat at growing giants?

6/7/2020 8:42:22 AM


Central NY

First, you build a tiller...then you cheat...

6/7/2020 8:46:21 AM


South Dakota

If there was an easy way to get a 1000 pounder, everyone would be growing one. Hard work, good seed, good weather, great luck.

6/7/2020 9:47:54 AM


Central NY

(I’m teasing grower)

6/7/2020 9:58:53 AM


Walhalla, ND.

Lol, good one porkchop.
Grower216. There’s no cheating. If you want to grow a 1000+ read everything on hear you can find. If it’s not here ask, always ask, never guess at anything. Soil test is a must.

6/7/2020 11:02:58 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Sand is ok just means more foliar feeding or a good quality slow release fertilizer. It doesnt have high CEC so it wont hold onto cheap chemical amendments very long. Good advice here my advice would be to find good fine compost.-- a couple yards-- should be worth the money if its a good source and municiapalities and horse farms may have 4 free. And bury your root nodes with it and keep your plant tidy and mostly prunned. Post pics and keep asking for help... also free.

6/7/2020 1:15:08 PM


Westmoreland, KS

Yep post lots of pics...sometimes it is very hard to post pictures of your plants when you see beautiful plants on this site but always remember most of us have been doing this for a very long time.

We know how take a picture of our plants to make them look awesome most of the time our plants have some issue we just don't always show that picture!

6/7/2020 1:29:32 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

I probably have read almost everything on here, in the past 6 months. I have a lot of time on my hands.......

I have been making compost, and adding it on, hoping to get a bunch of green sprouts from some trees mulched up, and composted. Will hopefully rake up leaves from all my trees in the fall, and shred them to be composted. Will probably add a couple yards that way, and the soil is starting to get better, and is only pure sand in about 250 square feet, that is newest, and was double dug recently.

6/8/2020 11:54:23 AM


Bloomington, IN USA

Yes, I think that we can all agree, anyone who builds his own tiller MUST be a cheater, ha!
If only that was all it takes!

6/8/2020 4:29:54 PM

Total Posts: 18 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 9:44:49 AM
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