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Subject:  Curled under/ drawn in cotyledons

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Ironton, ohio

Seedling been under the lights roughly 2days are curled or drawn in cots trying to tell me anything, or do they just need time to spread their wings.

4/26/2020 1:08:00 PM


Central NY

whats the seed starting mix?

4/26/2020 1:08:59 PM

don young

intense lights to close will curl cots try raise light and or turn off a few hours during day- the cots will rise up

4/26/2020 1:57:15 PM


Ironton, ohio

My worst offender is jiffy with myco and bottom 3rd being garden soil in a gallonish pot. The other two straight jiffy and myco in 5in peat pots. I was curious if moisture or heat from lights (led) could be the culprit. The gallon pot could have something "too hot" in it.

4/26/2020 2:13:23 PM


Syracuse, NY

i had a 206.1 of my own (secret cross, lol) and the cots were growing straight up and ENVELOPING the first true leaf. probably the opposite of your situation; i do/did NOT have a problem with trimming/cutting off at least one of the cotyledons in order that the plant status becomes evident. you know, the 'booster rockets'?
PS---in my vast seedling experience, lol, i've found it to be OK to trim down the first few leaves to whatever size i deem necessary to ensure that my seedling will fit where i want/not be too unmanageable/not be wind-susceptible/look really cool, etc.; you'd be surprised to see that in the next few days after a 'trimming', the plant says "So What?" and grows right along if not convenient to plant out just yet. oh, the blasphemy!

i hope she doesn't mind - here are a before and after of i think what you may be concerned about:
2114 Wallace:



yeah, so don't sweat it just yet, lol---eg

4/26/2020 2:17:34 PM


Central NY

Are the taller pots closer to the light?...usually we notice the “hot soil” problems on the next set of leaves. Edges curling up or down?

4/26/2020 3:57:29 PM

Big T Hoff

Hadley Ny

I've got about 20 plants going ...all grown the same...some cots are turned down, some are straight out and some are pointing up. If leaves are brittle check soil moisture and to close to the lights may make a difference. If you can move them outside during the day for some natural sunlight thats a plus. Good luck.

4/26/2020 5:50:08 PM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 9:40:30 AM
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