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Subject:  powdery mildew

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I'm sure this gets asked every year around this time - do we have preferred fungicides to control powdery mildew?

Oh - and while I'm at it - got any good tips for getting calcium to the pumpkin and plant?


7/17/2019 9:41:57 AM

KC Kevin

Mission Viejo, CA

Go to the Pests and Diseases forum for PM questions. Your question has been answered several times.

Go to fertilizing forum on here and search for Calcium. You will find the answer there.
Good luck!

7/17/2019 5:48:30 PM



Thanks Kevin, will do. Tried to search for mildew before posting but 298 of the 300 hits were growers diaries so no luck. Ok I'm off to the correct forum...

7/17/2019 9:13:31 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Most growers would agree that Eagle 20 is the best for powdery mildew.

7/17/2019 11:31:18 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Oh and cal mag for calcium.

7/17/2019 11:33:42 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I am guessing there are better alternatives but milk would address both issues. I've never tried it. Hopefully you find good info. If not, just remember it's probably always smart to try new products/methods in a way that wont ruin your whole plant.

7/17/2019 11:33:44 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

So, if you’ve never used milk, why would you recommend that someone else use it...especially a new grower looking for real, and useful advice? Just leave the keyboard alone sometimes, and don’t bombard growers with your best guesses.

Jhatcher, orangeneck has provided sound, useful and proven advice for your situation. KCKevin also provided great input and all the details you need are searchable on this site.

I use Bravo and Cabrio on a rotational basis and I basically never see powdery mildew in my patch. Most growers use Eagle 20, but I’ve never used it, but certainly take Orangeneck and others advice when they offer it We also use cal-mag max to supplement calcium and magnesium.

7/19/2019 10:22:42 PM



In case it will help other's - here's what I hope will work for me:

I'm using 2 different fungicides.
1) 1.55% Myclobutanil. I happen to have bought Spectracide's version for $11 from Amazon.
2) 29.6% Chlorothalonil. I happen to have bought Daconil for $15 from Amazon. Ortho for one makes a more expensive version if you'd like to pay more.

Eagle 20 is 20% Myclobutanil. Great for those with a large patch or who want to buy in bulk for the next couple of years and be done with it.

Yes Calcium Magnesium is usually recommended. But it is 15-0-0, meaning a lot of Nitrogen when I already have large(?) pumpkins on the vines. It is 19% calcium.
Instead, I went with an organic 3-5-5 fertilizer which is also 8% calcium. It's granular, not a liquid sprayable like I hoped. But seeing as it's 3-5-5 I think I can spread a lot of it to get the calcium that I think I need.

Thanks for the help and may we all grow 'em big!

7/22/2019 5:19:13 PM


Springfield, VT

You need to use multiple products and rotate among them to get complete coverage. I use a contact, systemic and a biological fungicides to keep PM at bay. Powdery mildew will adapt to any fungicide and it will not be effective. My contacts are chlorithinol (daconil), neem and a copper which is used at each spraying. Systemics are eagle, agrifos and fungoil(banner max). Biological is seranade. Note not all can be mixed annd need to be sprayed on its own ie copper. Also PM can be washed off the plants with a hose and then sprayed with fungicide.

7/23/2019 8:38:21 AM

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