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Subject:  Never Forget.....

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ipswich, ma usa

Never Forget...

9/11/2024 9:04:34 AM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

So sad that so many died that day. I was working in Hartford CT on the 24th floor of the gold building when it happened.

Still MANY questions remain:

9/11/2024 11:24:10 AM


ipswich, ma usa

I was on an antenna range at Otis AFB on the Cape when the first two planes scrambled. We new something was up at that point.

9/11/2024 12:49:50 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

I was turning wrenches and walked into the breakroom for a cup of coffee just in time to watch the second jet hit on the driver's TV.

9/11/2024 2:31:36 PM



It was a sad day. Mankind showing evil to the extreme.

9/11/2024 2:32:46 PM


Nova Scotia

Such a sad day indeed and the World basically stopped. I vividly remembering fencing a cattle a pasture on our farm when heard it on radio reports coming in. Also at that time we had many American tourists visiting farm and everyone was glued to the news and tourists changing plans.

9/11/2024 2:39:27 PM

Big T Hoff

Hadley Ny

I was on one of my winter vacations to Florida. I was on the pier fishing and found out by somebody coming out to fish. He just saw first plane strike on Twin Towers. 9:15 AM a time I will never forget!! My Buddy and I packed up and don't think we did anything but watch TV that day. Very sad day. I ended up taking first flight available several days after departure date. Couldn't even get a rent a car. Nervous taking flight and a big Round Of Applause when we landed.

9/11/2024 3:03:42 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

I was on staging re-siding a condominium in New London New Hampshire. Around noon my wife called me at work and told me she wanted me to come home, I thought she was being silly. BUt the world did feel like it was unraveling quickly. I am 50 and that day stands out to me, a couple other examples of times that stand out in my life; when the space shuttle challenger blew up. People lining up to head into the superdome after Katrina,and of course the early days of Covid.

9/12/2024 8:37:35 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Thanks for the movie post Ken, My mind started to question things, when several years later I found out that tower 7 had collapsed too, almost a block away! It was barely mentioned. YOu know something is fishy when you post a video on youtube about 911 and the truth police have to tell you what happened just in case you may get the wrong idea and start to think for yourself.

[Last edit: 09/12/24 8:45:00 AM]

9/12/2024 8:42:06 AM

Total Posts: 9 Current Server Time: 3/12/2025 9:30:18 PM
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