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Subject: Sept 11
Date Posted
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I read that to our military's newest recruits it was ancient history, it happened before they were born.
Any lessons learned from it? No, not really... Imho, the Saudis are not true friends and never will be. Bush let ONLY the Saudis fly when all other air travel was banned. What a traitor to the USA he was! Punish the many for the sins of the few, thats our inquisitionist mentality. As long as someone gets punished, even if its ourselves, then its all good...
The USA has caused a lot of suffering in the world, and we haven't suffered all that much in return, except the firefighters and innocent people who were harmed or whose lives were cut short on Sept. 11.
My well-connected uncle, btw, received message(s) telling him not to come into work at the world trade centers that day. Someone knew ahead of time what was going to happen, and they did nothing to stop it. Probably because allowing that terrorism conveniently served some global agenda. The only thing worse than being a terrorist is to know about such an attack ahead of time, and to silently allow it to happen. Imho.
9/11/2023 12:17:18 PM
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