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Subject: Classified Documents
Date Posted
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I don't get it, were the American people somehow hurt? The guy who was elected is being persecuted by deep state special counsels who were not elected? These non-elected IRS, DOJ, FBI folks ought to go find themselves jobs as golf course groundskeepers!
7/28/2023 7:45:10 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
So you are saying that elected people are trustworthy and honest? LMAO!!!
7/28/2023 9:30:11 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
The deep state can trash anyone they want to, regardless of whether they have actually hurt the American people. Thats the problem. And yes, being accountable to the voters is everything. If the voters are fools, oh well, they can dig their graves by electing nincompoops.
But smart voters can & ought to be able decide who is hurting them and who isnt. Thats what truly works. If you want the deep state to decide who is "good or bad" rather than the voters... then you belong in a totalitarian society!
7/28/2023 11:02:56 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
If the deep state has more power than the most powerful elected official, then the people of the nation are no longer in control of that nation. Thats a true statement. Politics will probably always be a mess, and there will be many imperfections, but here in the USA we have always overcome our weaknesses, eventually. If "we the people" no longer have control, we wont be able to fix our problems and overcome adversity the way we have in the past.
Blah blah blah... its a boring lecture. But its the truth...
7/28/2023 11:21:50 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
LOL! "We The People" have not been in control for a long time. We only are allowed to pick the scum bag crooks that get to hold the top spots. The scum that is in control are the wealthy crooked politicians, businessmen and woman and lobbyists.
7/29/2023 7:13:13 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Well, no one is perfect! So it will alwats be a choice between the lesser of two evils. That's good enough for me lol... we are in really deep doo if the deep state doesnt let us choose which is the lesser! I'm cynical but as long as we get to choose the lesser of two evils, there is still hope? Its not a perfect system, but I can handle a certain number of flaws... wanting perfection is a bit too utopian for me.
7/29/2023 9:04:06 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I'm cynical too, but we're going to have to accept that people are not perfect and just be ok with a certain number of flaws in whomever we elect... We get so tripped up when we get into this ideology of needing perfection. I think that is the slippery slope that causes us to hand the control of our country away from ourselves. We buy into this idea that we can expect perfection, and really we can't.
We can expect some simple & good things here & there though, like truthfulness... but only if we dont hand all control away from ourselves. If we do that, then all hope is lost. Handing control to God might be ok, but handing full control to anyone else can only end badly...?
I guess we may find out...
7/29/2023 9:21:19 AM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Deep State?
7/29/2023 7:00:13 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Yeah that is not the best label, a better label might be... "unelected power and influence" but that of course has no ring to it, but nevertheless good catch there roger...
7/29/2023 9:40:19 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Trump’s abuses of power list: #1 Suubverting the 2020 election., #2 Inciting an insurrection #3 Abusing the bully pulpit. #3 Politicizing the Justus Department #5: Obstructing the Mueller investigation #6 Abusing the pardon power. #7 The Ukraine affair and cover up #8 Loyalty oaths and personalizing government. #9 Firing whistleblowers and truth-tellers. #10 Profiting off the Presidency! Now he is taking low dollar campaign donations to pay for all his legal fees and he has most of the Republican Party baking him. Voting Democrat is a no brainer
7/30/2023 5:57:36 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I get way more spam from Democrats, I think they abuse their constituents with it... I get none from Republicans but to each their own.
7/30/2023 6:33:34 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I think think the way Bill Clinton was treated wasnt good for the citizenry either... I'm interested in accountability if and only if the American people are substantially materially hurt. There should still be plenty for those idle prosecutors and special counsels to do, just reigning such things where someone (like an honest taxpayer) actually got hurt, without putting their noses a bit too close. Theres tons of scams where good people get hurt. Focus on that! If the govt puts their nose that close then we all stink! Well I do. They ought to obey their own six ft rule... then everything wouldnt smell so bad. They're doing the dog-nose thing :(
7/30/2023 9:51:00 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
The Deep State has control of us.
8/19/2023 10:47:26 PM
DKrus |
Cheshire Ma USA
And Roger says BAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!!! You would think at his age he could think for himself, but his post shows how disconnected he is.
8/20/2023 8:23:17 AM
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