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Subject:  TERROR ATTACK on pipeline exposed and CONFIRMED

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Walking Man

formerly RGG


2/8/2023 7:10:36 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Still think Russia blew up their own pipeline ? Think again !

2/8/2023 7:11:52 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Its confusing to me. But its amazing how Ukraine became a center stage country in our politics, I guess Hunter Biden's corruption is just scratching the surface of that swamp. Ukraine seems to be the country who has bought American politicians (and with billions of our dollars flowng there, they will continue their purchasing of US politicians. The returns they are getting are huge.
Corrupt US politicians have netted a really great return for them.
And what do we the American people get in return for all this Neo- Napoleonism? A ton of inflation, debt, and heightened risk of everything from cyber attacks to WW3.

2/8/2023 11:25:26 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

By corrupt, I mean politicians who dont serve the best interests of the American people. Even if they dont take money directly I fail to see how most of them are serving our best interests. Russia is a largely Christian country with huge amounts of resources and they helped defeat Isis. Seems to me like we should try to be friends with them. It seems like it would benefit us. They helped us with intelligence regarding the Boston Marathon bombing. We're just making ourselves weaker.

2/8/2023 11:35:31 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

You must understand, this war & the coming war against China are all about the political dominance of the United States. The USA has borrowed too much money & inflation is too high & the BRICS countries want to replace the dollar & measure it against a currency they will back with gold & silver. That is all these wars are about. The USA does not want peace, instead, they want to weaken the BRICS countries, so they will never dominate the US dollar.

2/9/2023 2:23:33 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I do not believe these are wars the West will be able to win. But, I do believe they are liable to get us all killed.

2/9/2023 3:10:48 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If we were serious about taking on China we'd want Rusdia as an ally. I think China is a puppet enemy. A paper dragon. They are all in bed with China. They have to give the masses something to fear so that they dont wake up and fear their real enemy, which is those who spread lies and cover up the truth.
We are making ourselves weak. Our entire culture has become a culture of weakness. We wont need to blame anyone but ourselves for our downfall.

2/9/2023 10:17:54 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Russia is and has always been a strong resilient country. We dont respect strength, and that is why people latch on to this idea that we can defeat Russia. We can't, and wont.

2/9/2023 10:21:27 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The fact that we are suffering inflation and they arent means we are losing. The media can lie, but any unmanipulated financial markets that control our economy dont/ wont. The American people arent going to win this war but it will empty their pockets.

2/9/2023 10:27:20 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

DOn't be so quick to evaluate the power of the Chinese military. This seemingly objective video ranks the Chinese military 3rd in the world. Anyway, it takes only one nuclear strike to kill millions. NATO is already at war with Russia. I feel WW3 is already under way. To me, the future looks bleak. I pray I am wrong.

2/9/2023 8:10:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The world has an infinite number of idiots it seems, and thats why nuclear war IS possible. It just takes a critical mass... of idiots.

2/9/2023 9:20:30 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

So very true.

2/10/2023 6:34:12 AM

Total Posts: 12 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 12:47:03 AM
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