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Subject:  The Bioweapon Jab is MUTATING Children! Bill Gates

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Walking Man

formerly RGG

The Covid 19 virus was developed as a bioweapon. How it got loose from the lab in Wuhan, we can only guess. Now we are learning Pfizer may be intentionally mutating the virus so as to keep selling more vaccines. How could these folks be so very evil ? Always follow the money, for that is all they seem to care about.

1/27/2023 1:50:12 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

There's zero real regulation so there's nothing to stop them, they certainly could do that.

1/27/2023 4:22:46 AM


Upa Creek, MO

Pfizer is not intentionally mutating the virus. Corps don't function that way anymore, look at the consequences of Enron... suicides, prison etc.

Also, who is still getting vaccinated besides at risk or older folks? Not a profit market to risk collapsing the company (Pfizer).

1/27/2023 8:37:54 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Pretty sure the people who torture puppies etc. dont live by any such rules.

1/27/2023 10:29:32 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I mean, if a guy would torture puppies for a few dollars, then what he would do for a billion dollars? Thats how the world really works I'm afraid. And some people take huge risks just look at the current standoff with Russia.
If the people in power had nothing to hide, nothing would be classified, other than how to make a hypersonic nuclear missile in your basement perhaps, lol.
I think if Assange is still in jail we can assume the world isnt being run by Ghandi or Mother Theresa. Right?

1/27/2023 10:43:03 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Not to be too cynical, just humans are humans lets not forget that. A mace wasnt invented for opening a box of candy on Valentines day. But whatever.

1/27/2023 10:47:43 AM


Lodi, California

Interesting videos came out the last couple days, Phizer research manager was caught admitting Phizer is looking into mutating covid to produce new variants to aid vaccine development to increase profits. The second video shows him freaking out and assaulting the people who recorded him when he found out what they did.



1/27/2023 4:21:29 PM


Lodi, California


1/27/2023 4:22:06 PM


Western NY

Hey Ashton, The first video has been removed and the second is by Project Veritas which is for the gullible and is based on nothing.
How do you know that the guy in second video is actually Jordan Tristan Walker?
It looks like they didn't even spell his name right. LOL!

1/27/2023 7:58:22 PM


Western NY

You guys need to quit getting your "news" from entertainers.

1/27/2023 7:59:27 PM


Lodi, California

Lol you think I get news from entertainers? I get all my news from small independent journalists and discord groups. I'm sure you think real news are the monoliths of CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, and Fox. Yes I included Fox in that list. Every anchor is bought and paid for, and most of these companies are owned by the same investment firms, like Blackrock and Vanguard. Moreover, most of these companies run paid ads for big pharma, and constantly shill for it. So you tell me, who is watching the real "news".

Also are you really taking the side of big pharma on this one? Lol. Imagine thinking by default that big pharma is more trustworthy than a small independent media firm exposing them. All of Jordan Tristan Walker's social media disappeared right after this went out, and Pfizer declined to make a statement about the matter. Does that sound like something you would do if false statements were made? This is pretty decent evidence pointing toward some shady practices by some of the most powerful people in the world, and your response is to dismiss it because the bot farms told you what to think is true

1/27/2023 11:47:15 PM


Lodi, California

The point of big news corporations isn't to be altruistic. It's to make money, or otherwise push the narrative of the people who own the corporations, many times at the expense of profit. The news is not our friends, they do not care about us, they do not expose corruption as they once did in a distant past that I am too young to have been a part of.

1/28/2023 12:03:42 AM


Lodi, California

This is our media:


You should be scared

1/28/2023 12:11:17 AM



Preach Ashton!!!!!!! Falling on deaf ears though

1/28/2023 8:09:42 AM


Western NY

Ashton, I was taught a long time ago to believe none of what you hear and 1/2 of what you see and you will be much better off so I dont take any of the big "news" outlets very seriously. As you said they are all bought and paid for by big corporations as is basically everything in the world. Big pharma is a big reason that our health care costs are so out of control and that is because our government allows it because politicians are bought and payed for but we still allow it by reelecting the same scum.

1/28/2023 7:07:56 PM


Western NY

Ashton, I consider entertainers,in this instance, as any one posting an opinion as fact like much of the crap from discord groups as many of the people on that social media site are anonymous and not held to any standard and all you need are easily manipulated people to think it is real.
It is the same for many of the big stations who put talking heads by them selves or in groups stating their opinions as "news" and people dont differentiate. I dont believe what big pharma says and luckily i have family members who work and or have worked in big pharma and analyze the data that i am interested and I get my data from them as I will believe them more than any one else.

1/28/2023 7:18:45 PM


Western NY

That video could be legit but with out corroboration I dont believe it and that goes for anything on you tube as you tube is a joke for getting "news" from it because videos like that are easily manipulated. I get my "news" from many different sources but I don't take it as true just as a possibility and just let things play out over time. If I believe any source it would be Reuters as they seem to be as non biased as I could find and I like High Country News as even my crack pot relatives think it's as factual as possible.
I would like to know which "small independent journalists" you like?

1/28/2023 7:28:32 PM

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