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Subject:  When this party is over, who cleans up?

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Why Democrats dont have to be responsible: They can just hand whatever mess they create to Republicans. Like teenagers having a party while the parents are away. And then they can snicker and sneer while the Republicans act like adults, clean the house, pay the bills, etc? Maybe Reublicans should just bow out and say, "You made this mess, you clean it up!" The Democrats wont learn anything if the Republicans take back control. It would be really nice to see Democrats actually learn something...

How best to deal with the immaturity or foolery of others? I think it comes down to this... at some point a sane person has to say, "This mess is too big, and I didnt make it, so I am not cleaning it up!"

But of course Democrats will use the IRS to force the deplorables to clean up their mess, so we-the-deplorables are darned if we do, and darned if we dont...

10/22/2022 5:54:38 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

This mess cannot be cleaned up in the long run, is my fear. The USA is way too far beyond broke & a great price is going to have to be paid. The US $ will slowly fail & our standard of living is doomed to decline a very long way. In many ways, I am happy I made the decision to move to my wife's home here in the Philippines, as I believe I have a much better chance of survival here.

1/15/2023 10:42:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Yep our country has never run out of money. So if and when we do, we will be in uncharted waters.

1/16/2023 5:09:47 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

*** Well, my country. I always make the mistake of thinking everyone else is in the same exact boat. But the boat you all non USA folks are in, well... it may be similar.

1/16/2023 5:26:34 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

The USA is still my country. I am still a citizen & my sole source of income is my US social security. I have family still in the US & sometimes hope to move back for a bit before I pass on to my eternal home. But I will have to outlive my 26 years younger wife before I can think more about that, due to financial limitations.

1/16/2023 7:04:10 AM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 12:45:04 AM
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