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Subject: More CDC/ Big pharma corruption?
Date Posted
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Got kids? Trust your doctor? Great then your doctor will have this posted on his/her office door:
------- As reported by No Agenda podcast yesterday, a clip from a year ago, timestamp 27:00: https://www.noagendashow.net/listen/1496 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: "I sue pharmaceutical companies for living... So as long as they're emergency use, you can't sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them unless I can get it recommended for children. Why? Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended, for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine."--------
Robert Kennedy is hard to listen to because he has a disease that has weakened his voice, but other than that, wow! Thats a Truth bomb that won't be in the mainstream media. Because: their #1 source if ad revenue is... well, big pharma.
It seems none of the big media or big tech companies will bite the hand that feeds them.
Maybe they should.
10/22/2022 4:36:28 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Translation: Liability protection for big pharma, not science, is why the CDC has recommended the covid vaccine for kids.
This is a corrupt system...
10/22/2022 4:40:12 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
All the big agencies of the US government are owned by giant corporations who bribe our politicians to do their bidding. Money & power corrupt & Big Money & Big Power corrupt absolutely. I believe we have little chance of the voters actually ever again controlling our government to provide for laws & spending in the best interest of the common man. Even if we voted for the best politician in every case, there are extremely powerful unelected folks who rule over them & will never willingly let go of their tight grip on power. Things are just completely out of control.
1/15/2023 10:50:29 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Yeah its annoying. We are taught to dismiss other countries as being corrupt, and to esteem ourselves as being the pinnacle of competence and virtue. This lipstick/makeup is quite sticky unfortunately. Its difficult to unlearn this.
1/16/2023 5:14:32 AM
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