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Subject:  A food supply musing

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Washington state lot of wild blackberries. Using my own property as an example, I would guess I picked one gallon of berries, out of 50 or 100 that went to waste. Within the entire state, I would consetvatively guess 500 million pounds of blackberries go to waste every year. The real number could be a billion pounds or more. I wonder if someday we will have smart dragonfly-like drones pick all these berries at just the perfect ripeness. They are admittedly difficult to pick on a large scale. Where there is a will there is usually a way.

10/20/2022 1:40:50 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

In my version of utopia, these would all get picked and frozen. Then whole world would enjoy a slice of blackberry pie, thanks to technology plus something that was already there, "ready for the picking" so to speak. Sure, it might take a smart person a lifetime worth of work to make it happen, but if the result is enough healthy sustainable calories to feed a million people, is that really too big a sacrifice?

10/20/2022 1:54:20 PM


Lodi, California

Find a freezer big enough, then throw out all the food already inside it. They pay the price to run the freezer. Canning is a better alternative. You can have people pay you to come pick your produce. If you're so concerned about it as a grower, sell hand picking rights to anyone that wants them. Otherwise the fruit will probbaly just fall off or get eaten by birds then pooped out onto the soil.

10/21/2022 1:12:11 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

There is plenty of food in the world, although folks like Bill Gates want to take as much farm land as possible out of production. The reason there are so many undernourished & starving people in the world is politics & nothing else. Yes, I agree, it would be great if no blackberries were ever wasted. Most people these days would be unwilling to pick them, even if they were offered up for free. Sign of the times, I think.

1/15/2023 10:55:40 PM


Western NY

So RGG, where is gates specifically taking farm land out of production?

1/16/2023 8:09:25 PM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 12:42:03 AM
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