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Subject:  Things dont burn like they used to?

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Since you all think I am a quack, I do have at least one admittedly quacky notion for you: is it just me or does cardboard, newspaper, etc, not burn as well as it used to? Did they come up with new & cheaper manufacturing that fundamentally changed these basic consumer items?

There have been (and there will always be) subtle changes in other manufacturing, for example, five gallon pails I bought recently have such thin flimsy lids I can stand on one. It used to be a five gallon pail with a plastic lid was something I could stand on and no my own weight hasnt changed at all in the past 20 years.

Subtle changes... I'm not a pyromaniac I think there's a wary rat in me that is just attuned to subtle changes.

Alright enough posts already. Sheesh.

9/10/2022 3:32:15 PM



Nice observation, made the same here. The explanation might be easy. It isn´t a cheaper way of producing those basic items, it´s most likely a slightly more expensive way. Nowadays, various sorts of things (paper, fabric, flammable building materials) are getting manufactured with flame retardant components.

9/12/2022 2:30:56 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

"The flame retardant can be applied like normal printing ink and does not affect the cardboard’s other properties. Printing ink can also be applied on top of the flame retardant."

So while it wouldnt matter much to you or me, you can imagine a company like Amazon, with a warehouse full of cardboard, might want their suppliers to use whatever technology is deemed necessary or just cost effective, to reduce the risk of a cardboard conflagration. I'm sure any business that stockpiles flammable materials must take some level precaution or outright prevention of fire. Otherwise it would only take one bad lithium battery in a cordless tool to make a whole warehouse subject to combustion.

If you want to know what I'm talking about, try to burn the box that miracle grow comes in... lol.

9/12/2022 3:17:20 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Just figuring out how this all makes sense.

... In the past, fire was prevented by using metal containers. Putting fire retardents on cardboard might not be cheap, but its probably cheap compared to switching to tin.

It used to be, a box like the miracle grow box would have been waxed cardboard and would have burned great.
Now, what is it? A microfilm of plastic atop tagboard permeated with flame retardent? Yes it will burn, but it isnt what I would call flammable.

I am earning some blah blah blah points here.

9/12/2022 3:40:55 AM


Upa Creek, MO

Does the recycling of it have anything to do with it? I don't know, just questioning.

9/12/2022 8:21:33 AM



Good question. I can only assume that some flame retardants may cause troubles in recycling more than others. Some of them will certainly get washed out during the wet treatment of paper, others (like silica perhaps) may be as insoluble as the paper fibers and can be retained in the paper pulp. Then, it will depend on the final mix and the further use of the recycling paper if (and how much) flame retardants need to be applied again. As to the paper recycling procedure itself, even without flame retardants there are so many types of paper (different coatings, no matter if its for making them less flammable or more shiny or more water resistant etc.), some of which are suitable for recycling, some others aren´t.
Anyway, on thought coming into my mind: Flame retardants in recycling paper could be a good thing...for those who love to eat hot chili peppers. Just use toilet paper from recycling paper...and one´s a** won´t burn as much.

9/12/2022 9:34:27 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Gritty, I believe you are one of the few voices of reason on this forum. Never give up on voiceing your opinion please.

9/12/2022 11:37:10 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I rub a lot of people the wrong way.
Once upon a time, one of our ancestors looked funny, he had a big head like Bill Clinton, and he said "no more climbing in trees for me", and... most of his monkey family laughed. But that one, he stuck to his own game.
Forward progress...

I like creationism too, but I also like that little story!

9/13/2022 1:26:37 AM

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