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Friday, September 13, 2024
Entry 177 of 211 |
Since today is the official fabled day of bad luck, I might as well continue expounding on the fear I experience every time I lift the cover off my pumpkins: I�m terrified that I�m going to find something new that scares the heck out of me! As our pumpkins approach the end of their life cycles they crack, change shapes, ooze sap, start to fall apart & morph through the other changes they inevitably experience before eventually rotting. As competitive pumpkin growers we have invested waaaayyyy too much time, energy & sacrificed too much of our souls to push them to this point. All with the misguided hope that they will continue to grow bigger, get heavier & last forever. Or at least until they make it to the scales. And then that they will remain beautiful through the time they are expected to be on display too! We forget that in the end Mother Nature always wins. Meanwhile, we pumpkin growers live in fear & denial. I think that basically sums it up. Happy Friday the 13th!