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Wednesday, August 14, 2024
big moon
Bethlehem CT
Entry 106 of 188 |
This is my 1570. Right next to the 1904 Connolly. It takes some balls to leave a sick plant right next to too healthy ones on each side of the sick one. But right now I do not have the time to clean up the 1904 Connolly, sometimes I wonder if it would be a bad idea to remove the sick plant as hopefully any insects that attack that plant will stay there and not try to migrate onto another plant, Which I assume they would if I ripped up the plant? One last thing I have talked to other growers and there does seem to be a correlation as to when the disease strikes. If you can get through the end of June and all of July, and even the beginning of August, you are most likely in my experience and other growers experiences going to be OK. So perhaps the disease does not affect the plant in the same way if it contracts it late in the season or the disease is unable to be spread for some reason late in the year. You can�t tell me there aren�t squash bugs in August and September as a matter of fact that�s when I see hordes of babies everywhere perhaps more late in the season than you�d see early in the season.