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Sunday, June 02, 2024
Matt D.
Entry 52 of 116 |
TrolMaster Beta-6 Controller:
This is the brains of the misting system that has a sensor placed at the plant site to ensure the reading is coming from the plant and not the location of the sensor which is away from the plant and in a shaded location.
The current �live� reading is 64.0% humidity. The controller is set to come on at about 57% as this seems to be the correct setting after letting the system run for a few days. The scientific target according to the research papers seems to be a minimum of 60% so this is not far off.
This is connected to a BACO-ENG �� Electrical Ball Valve that is normally off. When the controller senses that the humidity has dropped below the target level it will open the valve which will activate the misting system that is connected to a �live� hose. This will remain on until the humidity is at the target level and then it is turned off. This means the system can come on when it needs to and stay off when not needed. Compared to a cycle timer that will come on and off regardless of conditions has helped better regulate the growing environment.
While there is a 200-mesh particulate filter, if the feeding water is hard or high in salts a pre-filter would be recommended to avoid clogging the very small and fine mist nozzles.
TrolMaster Beta-6 Controller Manual : https://www.trolmaster.com/PDFHtml/BETA-6.html