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Saturday, May 18, 2024
Matt D.
Entry 32 of 116 |
2287 Sadiq �22 Secondary Vines Climbing the Walls
This shows that the plant could have been removed a few days earlier but it was held in here a little longer due to the cold nights predicted. What this image also shows is the high humidity in this growing space. While plant growth, structure, color and overall performance are all in-line with what would be expected with a competitive plant, humidity is something that growers may need to take into greater consideration. It is not as easy to control as growers may think, but it is a growing environment condition that will be of greater focus this year for sure.
Temperature and leaf wetness can lead to increased disease pressure and also impact growth of the plant. Getting these dialed in is a continual struggle over the growing season due to the ever changing weather and general conditions.
One disease of high concern for Cucurbits is Downy Mildew, for which there are different strains that can impact different members of the cucurbit family with varying severity. It is of the greatest concern to cucumber growers, but here is a study showing how temperature and leaf wetness impact the sporangia germination and infection of Cucurbits�
Interactive Effects of Temperature and Leaf Wetness Duration on Sporangia Germination and Infection of Cucurbit Hosts by Pseudoperonospora cubensis :