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Friday, September 28, 2018 wile coyote On a cliff in the desert

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Picked 5.63 Karkos tomato because it is ripe. Loafer still getting bigger. Harvesting tomato seeds from tomatoes on plants that I am not going to use at Gale Woods or Stillwater for future use.

I am using a slightly different method than Bnot's for harvesting seeds. You have much less solution to deal with. I cut the tomato into 1 inch slices. Put napkins on table before putting tomato slices on table. I scoop seeds out of pockets with 1/4 teaspoon. Put scoops into a bowl. When done with all slices, tilt slices on napkins up to see if seeds on napkin or on bottom of tomato slice that need to be harvested. Smash chucks of tomato down with a fork. Set bowl of seeds aside. Roll up napkins with tomato slices and throw in trash. Fill up bowl with water. Put 1 tablespoon of oxyclean in bowl and stir. Let sit for 1/2 hour. Pour solution in bowl into strainer. Rinse thoroughly and push pieces of tomato thru strainer with a spatula. Label paper plate with tomato information. Put tomato seeds on a paper plate. Put paper plate in an area to dry.

Today one of my neighbors told me he thought my backyard was on fire last night but realized it was the grow lights I had set up. Looked under the plastic and saw that the Tobeck 2002 X Tobeck pumpkin had not aborted. It's going to be a challenge to get it to the size of a softball. Now at least 15 DAP after reviewing diary. Plant still alive. Tonight will be the test. 35 degrees over night. I should be fine because of city heat and plant covered with plastic with grow light heat aimed at plant.

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