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Thursday, September 06, 2018
wile coyote
On a cliff in the desert
Entry 172 of 203 |
Received an unexpected gift from the pumpkin gods - a Tobeck 2002 X Tobeck 1836 cross. I found this flower about 9 feet down the vine from my 2002 X Self. I found a unexpected male flower on the 1836 to use. Hopefully this cross will take for seeds. I want to get a 2nd Tobeck 2002 X Tobeck 1836 cross going where one of them should make seeds.
The 1836 has grown all sorts of secondary vines since I culled the damaged 1836 X Self pumpkin. I've got 2 Tobeck 1836 X Tobeck 2002 crosses growing on the plant now. One should make it to where it creates seeds. I might try to add a Tobeck 1836 X Tobeck 1526 cross to the plant. The 1526 plants seem to have run out of energy even though their getting fertilized. What's the point of growing a plant if you don't use the genetics?
Measured Borg tomato today. 22 X 21 X 22.5 = 4.99 pounds.
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