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Will Flash For Pumpkins: Acknowledgements

I always wanted to write something for publication just so I could write an acknowledgment article. In fact, I tried writing acknowledgments for several other authors and for some ungodly reason they never used them (and they called me a loser?) What the hell gives here? I'm not stupid! I can do things! "It's not how I wanted it!" I was stepped over! (opps, my god father line).

I only wanted to pay tribute to those lovable pumpkin heads I have come in contact with over the years. Those players who start their pickup line with "Hi, I grow giant pumpkins, what do you do?" Great line, I'll bet there heading for the shitter after that one. All kidding aside though, we giant pumpkin growers share a common bond; we are very similar in our approach to the hobby.

We share information and seeds, offer advice when we can, which may explain why this hobby has grown so much over the last decade. For this series of craziness called "I�ll Flash for Pumpkins" I'd like to thank the following for their contributions to the articles as well as the betterment of our hobby:

  • Jack LaRue
  • Steve Daletas
  • Joe "PP" Pukos
  • Hugh Wiberg
  • Wayne Hackney
  • Jim "Bee Keeper" Kuhn
  • Dave "The Brow" Stelts
  • The late Charlie Houghton
  • Alan Gibson
  • Tim Parks
  • Joe Jutras
  • Bob "Green Jeans" McKenzie
  • Larry and Gerry Checkon
  • BigPumpkins.com readers
  • Alan "King of the 500 Pounders" Reynolds
  • Steve "Fert-Man" Jepsen
  • Tom "1097" Beachy
  • My good friends at Bori Graphix, Nick and Gary
  • Kenny of BigPumpkins.com fame

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I could not have put the series together without their cooperation.

A special thank you also goes out to that "Mad Scientist" and "cloning expert", Nick Welty. Cloning and genetic research (Pumpkinetics as I like to call it) are very important when one attempts to understand why a particular seed or seed stock will produce much better than others.

Lastly, I would like to thank my son Ron. If not for him I would have ditched my pruning pail and tools years ago. You see, it was Ron who coined the famous Wallace Battle Cry:

"Let's get out there and start sucking"!


Dick "Pap" Wallace

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