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Subject:  On average

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Webster, NY

On average, how long does it take before the seedling breaks through the soil, after germination?

Thanks for any information you can give me.

5/4/2004 7:20:13 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I only sand the sides and then place them in their containers, no soaking. I have found that using a 1 pint ice cream container, they break through in 4-5 days and in a bigger, 1 gallon ice cream container, they take 6-7 days. Not sure why, but it has done that for me now 2 years in a row.

5/4/2004 7:25:37 AM


[email protected]

After the 8 hour warm soak & moist towel baggie pre-germination treatment, my 842 Eaton was breaking soil in 48 hours. The 805 Pukos took 72 hours but has been growing faster ever since. In 4 days from emergence, both had sent roots to the bottom of the 12" deep pots.

These times seem consistent with all our other germinating tests & experiences.

Temperature seems to play the single most important role. We kept everything here at 83F this year which is down 5 degrees from 2003 when we experienced 2 failed seeds to rot in 2003. More drama at higher temps, but larger losses too. At least here anyway.

5/4/2004 8:24:40 AM


Webster, NY

The seeds germinated in 3 days. This is the fifth day and I am hoping to see something poking through the soil soon. But I can't keep the pots at 80 degrees. Thanks guys...

5/4/2004 10:10:15 AM


[email protected]

Another consideration: If the radicle is on the long side coming out of a baggie, we have to be *VERY* careful putting it into soil. Pressing down by hand can prove fatal. To lessen the chance for disaster, I prefer to drop small amount of dryish soil into the seedlings hole & settle it with rain water a little at a time. Breaking off the radicle is fatal &/or season limiting every time.

5/4/2004 11:05:27 AM


Mine were filed and soaked in water overnight, then put in the dirt in 5 quart ice cream buckets. All were up within 4 1/2 days of the soaking.

5/4/2004 3:53:59 PM


Independence, MO

I am fresh here, but here is what I did...
I did everything the old fashioned way.
Store bough topsoil, dropped my seeds in (point down), covered with saran wrap and put rubber band around them.
Heating pad below pots (that I sat in aluminum pie pans) with a small lamp above each one (40 watt bulb)
I also filed the seeds...

620 Boyton came up in just 3 days, and stubborn 692 Swarts came up in 5 (The seed was large and fat and i heard they sometimes take longer)

I was concerned the 4th day so I took a peek with a toothpick, and sure enough I had roots going and one side of the seed opening. The 5th day was a charm.

Don't give up hope!

5/4/2004 4:46:37 PM


Webster, NY

Well, 7 days after soaking and filing, and 5 days after germination, the 419 pukos is up and running. I also see a crack in the soil where the 895 Nesbitt is coming through. Here we go!

5/5/2004 7:27:17 AM


Syracuse, NY

i'm not sure if it has any bearing on the case here, but i would expect that the longer time it takes for the seedling to break the surface in a larger pot as opposed to a smaller one has SOMETHING to do with the roots getting to the bottom of their present container-----if it has to go
twice as far to throw-down its first, main root, as one that is in a container that requires half that distance to achieve that same goal, i would expect that the larger-containered one is gonna take a little longer.....needs to get its "groove on" before making an appearance....one o' my thoughts, anyway. 'pal2

5/5/2004 6:11:06 PM

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