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Seed Starting

Subject:  Slow Germinator

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I started eight seeds 6 days ago. All but one has germinated and is well on their way to being planted outdoors. One seed(my 963 Stucker) hasn't rotted, but it has not started to germinate. The other 7 germinated between 48 and 72 hours...the 963 is at 160 hours and counting. I have cracked its shell off so I can see what it is doing. Finally it looks like it might start doing something...but I am not to thrilled about depending on this plant to do much because of its miserablly slow germination. Anyone have any thoughts on this situation?

4/24/2004 4:26:04 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Russ...for whatever reasons, some seed take 7-10 days to germinate, even if they're a relatively newer seed. Start a backup and wait 3-4 more days and see what happens.

4/24/2004 5:59:43 PM

the gr8 pumpkin

Norton, MA

It'll be OK if it isn't rotting. Like southern said, wait a couple days. Last year my 869.5 Calai didn't germinate for 11 days and ended up being the only plant I grew out til the end. Alex.

4/25/2004 10:42:26 AM


Spanish Ontario

My 845bobier took 15 days last year an it proudced a winner dont panic

4/25/2004 11:15:52 AM

the gr8 pumpkin

Norton, MA

15! wow!

4/25/2004 11:42:44 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

There you have it...give it awhile.
I do remember giving up on a seed a few years ago and after 2 weeks or so just putting the planter in the garage, no heat..just in a dark corner, and replaced it with a backup. I looked several weeks later and it had sprouted, grew 6-8" and then died from lack of light and water.
Sranger things happen.

4/25/2004 12:32:09 PM


Spanish Ontario

I was SO CLOSE TO PUTTING salt on it an having a 325 dollar US seed for supper

4/25/2004 4:28:24 PM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 2/24/2025 1:04:40 AM
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