Seed Starting
Subject: Seed has sprouted, and turned yellow.
Date Posted
719.5 Pounder |
North Of The Border
Yesterday I saw that my seed had sprouted, but the leaves have turned yellow. They have not grown any overnight, nor have the looked worse or better. The leaves are only the first two seed leaves, but I am worried that they won't quite have enough energy to grow well. After yesterday, when I took off the seed casing, the leaves have not spread out at all and the have stayed the same yellow colour. Anyone know why?
3/22/2020 6:52:02 AM
26 West |
50 Acres
I,m guessing too much moisture. hope others also answer
3/22/2020 8:07:31 AM
spudder |
Also could be too dry, lack of light, cold draft/soil. Internet search seems to indicate stress of some sort as the most likely cause.
Any more answers anybody.
3/22/2020 8:28:36 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Give them a few days in the sun. They should open up and turn green.
3/22/2020 9:14:38 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
A bright sunny window or under some grow lights should do the trick for you. If it is warm where you are you can put them outside in the daytime. The brighter the light, the better it is for producing a nice stocky seedling.
3/22/2020 9:17:53 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Yea, could be too wet...also might have just got the seed coat stuck on there for too should see rapid recovery in green if that is the case...if too wet , it might stay yellow...if you suspect too wet I would try to dry it out ...a fan at the minimum...might have to open up the container if real soggy....good lighting and good starting program makes a world of difference...good luck, hope she was just stuck
3/22/2020 12:01:39 PM
719.5 Pounder |
North Of The Border
Okay, I don't think it is moisture, because it is moist. It could be the light or the heat,because it is not under a light, but it is on a heat mat. Thanks for the help. I will try either a light or moving it into more sun.
3/22/2020 2:02:45 PM
Dawn, Suburban Gardener |
Lakewood, WA
Much luck to you, Grower!
3/22/2020 2:48:57 PM
719.5 Pounder |
North Of The Border
Thanks! I'll need it:) sadly, luck is the most important thing for growing. It is the only thing that you can not change:( but I an hope I will be lucky.
3/22/2020 4:49:16 PM
719.5 Pounder |
North Of The Border
It has greener up a bit, now that it is in light, and it is a bit more open. So thank you for the help.
3/23/2020 6:58:15 AM
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