Seed Starting
Subject: seeds for sale?
Date Posted
donnelsvillegrower1 |
Donnelsville, Ohio
I bought genetically enhanced seeds at "the pumpkin show" in Circleville Ohio. If I want to buy more seeds, are there any available for straight up sale (not auction)?
1/26/2015 8:58:28 PM
cheddah |
norway , maine
If you send me an email I can hook you up for nothing just send a self addressed stamped bubble envelope,,, also if you post this same request you will more than likely get a bunch of growers offering you this same deal...good luck
my email- [email protected]
1/26/2015 9:28:20 PM
cheddah |
norway , maine
Sorry - post this same request on the seed exchange message board you will get more offers
1/26/2015 9:29:16 PM
Josh Scherer |
Piqua, Ohio
Genetically enhanced seeds? Are they Atlantic Giant? If so I'd like to know how they are " enhanced " I hope you didn't get swindled.
1/27/2015 10:58:24 AM
Josh Scherer |
Piqua, Ohio
Shoot me an email at [email protected]. I will send you good proven seeds.
1/27/2015 10:59:43 AM
Pumpkin miner |
I have some seeds from my 808# giant dill Atlantic if you want a few. I have more than ill ever plant. I also have them listed on world class gardening. buettner808 in Wisconsin.
3/9/2018 9:52:13 AM
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