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Subject:  1807.5 Stelts

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Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

Is anyone else growing this seed? I paid over $100 for mine and it didn't germinate, just wandering if anyone else had this problem.

4/28/2012 11:05:24 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

How did you try to germinate it? No one in this hobby would knowingly sell/give you a bad seed. Most of the time it is the conditions of germination that are the issue. To Wet...To Cold...To Hot...Bad Soil Mix..

4/28/2012 12:39:39 PM

Jeremy Robinson

Buffalo, New York

I am guessing its not the seed....I have had my BEST germinations this year. In previous years mine always took 7+ days to sprout. This year 3-4. My problem was I had always kept the soil too wet and never had a cheap soil thermometer. Keeping soil moist and at 87-90 degrees worked this year! Also ProMix BX worked great!

4/28/2012 2:05:38 PM


England, essex

i had some big seeds i paid good money for that failed, was my propogater at fault, reserve seed is up now

4/28/2012 3:46:18 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I'm no rookie all my practice runs popped, I don't think they sold me a bad seed on purpose, just wandering if anyone had this problem. I've had seeds from pumpkins in the past that never germinated. I use a foam cooler with a heating mat. My original question is did anyone have trouble with the 1807?

4/28/2012 3:54:22 PM



My seed didnt look that great, 1/3 white tip and very thin. But it came up, cots weren't great, curly and pinched, holes in them where they were fused for a bit. first leaf is coming, we will see how it goes. I know I helped it struggle for a day or two with insufficient heat in room (60ish). When I upped air temp to 70 everything did much better.

4/28/2012 4:21:24 PM



I started one. It was a 2/3 filled seed. Its making a smallish seedling early

4/28/2012 4:30:27 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

How many days did yours take? I'm at 6 I've never had any take this long!

4/28/2012 7:21:30 PM

allen b

Dilliner, Pa.

We are growing an 1807 stelts ours came up in 72 hours. Ours were also 2/3 filled. Plant appears to be our 2nd best grower just a little behind the 1818. Root growth is excellent it had to be potted up from a 2 gallon pot to a 5 gallon bucket after just 6 days. Needs potted up again but it is going in the patch on Monday.

4/28/2012 10:04:20 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Josh where do you keep your seeds at?I'm not saying you did anything wrong,but if seeds are left say in a hot place like a dashboard of a car for a couple hrs or so.Also do you have a humidifier on your furnace?I think even short term storage can effect a seed drying out.We are getting 255s that are not germing (5 years old)some left in a desk drawer instead of double wrapped in freezer.I just wonder if people are as cautious in seed storage as they could be,Cool dry place.Then again 100% germination is most likely impossible on any seed.

4/29/2012 7:14:26 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I keep my seeds in the fridge, my wife hates it but I think it works good. I had them in the cooler it was 95 degrees I was going for 85 but my thermostat must be faulty I've had some folks say give it 10 days before trashing it. I'm not giving up yet I really want to grow this one!

4/29/2012 8:03:08 AM


South Hero, VT

Sometimes a seed just won't germ, no matter what you do right. That's why auctions have the disclaimer "germination is not guarenteed."

Just be glad you didn't pay $1625 for a seed like the guy did last year for an 1810 Stevens.

You have my sympathies.

4/29/2012 1:57:14 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

$1625 that's crazy! it was $130 but it went to the club I belong to so I have a chance to win it back this fall! Thanks for everyone's help.

4/29/2012 6:47:07 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Do you keep them in airtight bags in fridge? I would

4/29/2012 8:53:41 PM



had no problems germinating the 1807 - even had a white tip

5/1/2012 8:32:54 AM



They are germing just hunky dory here.

5/1/2012 6:04:45 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I had a soil thermometer that was not right, I had it too hot for 3 days, around 105 the seed is still firm and not rotten so I have my fingers crossed!

5/1/2012 6:27:43 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

No problems here, and is now #2 in my line-up!!! (Right behind the 3 cot FREAK!) One of the quickest sprouts I have ever had!!! Looks Phat & Happy!!! Peace, Wayne

5/2/2012 12:37:24 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Hey Josh,I have a 1807 if yours dosent make it send me your address theres plenty of time left.If you want I will next day mail it to [email protected]

5/2/2012 7:18:25 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

She popped like a zit when I got home from work! That's one H of an offer Mark! I e-mailed you just let me know how much you want for it. Thanks again

5/2/2012 5:47:40 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Not 4 sale its yours,I hope you do well with it I can only plant 3 kins a year and be a melon man,and I love my melons.So grow a WR 1 pd. smaller then mine.lol If I want one for next year I will buy 1 from a Club & support the Sport! like you did.You deserve this,Support the Sport!

5/2/2012 8:33:24 PM


Enumclaw, Wa

four germination boxes going, two failed thermostats

some seeds up in three days one has taken 21 but showing life

moisture, temp, hot, cold each seed is probably a shade different. gotta find the right mix for it. planted two 1807's, both very thin in the tip, both made it. practice helps but it is still a bit of crap shoot at least for me

5/6/2012 3:23:39 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Did you get the 1807 yet? Its the real thing.Thats Daves writing on the envelope.

5/8/2012 6:16:41 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I did an analysis and it checks out! j/k I knew as soon as I saw the seed, they all are thin and white. Thanks again still not sure what to cross it to, I was thinking the 1566 Rodonis or 1689 Jutras.

5/8/2012 6:22:56 PM



I started my 1807s for a friend-kinda puuny at first-now its making a nice 4 leaf sized plant

5/8/2012 6:36:25 PM

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