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Subject:  What should a germinated seed look like at 48 hour

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Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

Just wondering I pulled one up just to see how it was doing no root growth was apparent so I pulled off the seed coat. the seed was still firm and was just a little green in places. Is there anyone who has done a study and has pictures of seeds in different stages of germination?

4/6/2012 12:27:19 PM


Webster, NY

Sometimes they take longer then 48 hours. Just be patient. I've had them germinate anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days.

4/7/2012 2:57:33 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

You might damage the root pulling a seed up.I wouldnt get nervous for at least 5 days.depending on temp.low to mid 80s 3-6 days high 80s low 90s 2-3 days.

4/7/2012 6:58:55 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Yep, the thin white seeds germinate much faster than the robust caramel colored, thick seeds. Give it a little more time.

4/7/2012 9:43:41 AM



Some seeds take 5 days no mater what the environment.

4/7/2012 4:04:58 PM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

Well I took the one that I pulled and took the seed coat off of and wrapped it in a wet paper towel. It now has about an inch long root growing out of it with some side roots starting to stub out off of that. I can only hope the ones that are still in the dirt are doing the same. It will be 5 days In the morning. I don't have a thermometer in the oven so I am not sure exactly how warm it is the soil is definitely warm to the touch though. I am just so impatient. :)

4/9/2012 1:44:11 AM


President - GPC

Dont be a digger.....lol

4/9/2012 10:05:18 AM


President - GPC

But itZ good to eXperiment..now....

4/9/2012 10:05:42 AM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

The one I Dug wasn't one that I want to grow anyway. :)

4/9/2012 11:46:34 AM


President - GPC

BrookZie iZ a digger...

4/9/2012 11:50:28 AM



I'm a digger. the key is too dig early-18hrs- and often so the tap root doesnt get dangerously long. I dig cause I transfer the seed into a two gallon bucket as soon as the root is popping out.Cant fit enough two gallon buckets in my cooler/incubator

4/9/2012 12:20:14 PM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

Well I am growing one of Brooks' seeds so maybe I should dig it. :)

4/9/2012 12:23:43 PM


Webster, NY

See if you can get a thermometer in the oven. If you're too hot you could burn the seeds and not get germination. I like to stay around 80 to 85 degrees.

4/9/2012 1:06:05 PM


Ashland, KY

Cojoe- why is it bad to have a long tap root?


4/9/2012 2:41:19 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

EP, I think he means so he can transfer into the 2 gallon bucket before the taproot gets too long and have less risk of breaking or disturbing.

4/9/2012 2:59:33 PM

Pinnacle Peak

British Columbia, Canada

Last year I had a 1225 jutras seed that took 36 days to germinate...lol

4/9/2012 3:49:52 PM


President - GPC

How did it your 1225 do, was it weak?

4/9/2012 4:22:43 PM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

I had a thermometer in there last year and I forgot to take it out when I went to cook dinner. Melted all over the place. :) I remembered to take the seeds out but didn't take out the thermometer. Anyway I kind of had it dialed in to where I could keep the air temp at about 80 degrees if I left the door cracked. Thats what I have been doing this year. If I closed it it went up to like 110. I am pretty sure I am not cooking them it may be too cold though. I guess I am going to have to evercome my cheapness and invest in another thermometer.

By the way I pulled another one up at lunch time. The bottom of the seed was split slightly and there was maybe an 1/8th of an inch of protrusion of what looked like root. I am sitting at 5-1/2 days now.

4/9/2012 5:49:55 PM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

bought a thermometer. Soil temp is at 80 degrees.

4/9/2012 8:08:45 PM


President - GPC

I like my soil temp to be 86.....thatZ with the thermometer at mid point in the pot, same depth as the seed....if using a heat matt and peat pot..I wrap the pot with AL foil....to help transfer the heat all the way up the peat pot...just add the AL foil and see what your themometerZ sayZ...

4/10/2012 10:21:15 AM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

I have got them in the oven in a cake pan with a plastic lid to keep the humidity in. I used a towel to limit the amount of air that can escape from the cracked oven door. The soil temp was at about 85 this morning.

6 Days in the dirt now. I think the good lord is trying to teach me a lesson on patience.

4/10/2012 11:58:43 AM



Ep you can snap off the tap root if it gets too long. i should say i'm a puller versus a digger.I have my seeds in potting mix in a peat pot inside a cooler with a 15 watt bulb(85 degrees ) .I start 5-8 seeds in the cooler. I start checking the seeds at 18 hrs. I check them about every 6 hrs after -to make sure i dont break off the root- when i pull the seed out of the mix.When the tap root appears the seed goes into a 2 gallon bucket.The seedling goes outside when its 14 to 20 days old

4/11/2012 2:26:41 AM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

Day 8 = nothing. I think maybe the soil is to dry everyone has told me not too add water till the pumpkin is up but I added water last night we will see what that does.

4/12/2012 1:04:50 PM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

Success finally!!

3 seeds are up at 11.5 days and 1 is up at 9.5 Days. Unfortunately the two that aren't up yet are the one I wanted to grow.

4/16/2012 2:04:07 AM


Webster, NY

The soil needs to be moist. You just don't want it saturated with water.

4/16/2012 3:52:40 AM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

My soil was definately not saturated with water. I think I may have been overly cautious and kept the soil too dry. once I added more water the plants came up in 3 days.

4/16/2012 12:14:41 PM

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