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Subject:  Germination Tests

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Central Minnesota

I have been doing some germination tests over the last month for something to do in the evening. Certain variables have been held constant in the test. First, I have been using an Incubator and maintaining a temperature of 90 degrees. Second, the incubator is humidified. Third, the incubator has a fan and temperature is constant throughout. I have been using a peroxide/water mixture with a rate of 1/4. Lastly, all the seed edges have been filed.

Since space is limited in the incubator I have been using pill containers-no soil. (the kind with the 7 days of the week on them) I have been testing 7 seeds at a time in random mixtures but each test contains the same 7 seeds.

10 min soak = 2 of 7 germinated
1 hr soak = 4 or 7 germinated
4 hr soak = 7 of 7 germinated
10 hr soak = 5 of 7 germinated
10 min sooak plus three drops of water added to each container = 2 of 7 germinated (5 are to wet)

That is where we are at now...more tests still in progress.

3/27/2012 10:54:14 AM

Farmer Ben

Hinckley MN

that is a nice data set. I used 1/3 peroxide when I did my germination tests. it worked, too. maybe peroxide ratio is another variable to test.

I made an expansion ring for my incubator so I can fit taller peat pots in it. 2 inch styrofaom cut to fit and then shaved to seal better. mine was a still air incubator so I added a fan kit. Now I can get 8 5 inch peat pots in it and still keep a steady temp.

How's the fishing?

3/29/2012 5:57:54 PM


Rapid City, SD

keep it simple............keep it fun

3/29/2012 9:34:38 PM


Webster, NY

Interesting, I soak mine in water, file the edges, start them in the wet paper towel/baggie method. I use a germination mat with a towel in between. Usually I get 100% germination unless the seed is very old. Then I might have trouble.

Just something to think about.

3/30/2012 2:42:40 AM


Central Minnesota

The tests continue as I type. I am still trying to find the best method for those seeds with very thick seed coats. The results above were all within less then 3 days, with the first germination in 20 hours and the last at 72 Hours.

Currently I have added a 1" x 1" piece of paper towel to each pill container as a moisture wick. My theory is it will help control the moisture level better for those seeds with very thick seed coats. Anyhow, only 24 hours in right now.

3/30/2012 10:30:31 AM

Andy W

Western NY

Find whatever works best in your particular situation. With new seeds, there's no reason to be less than 100% germination if there are no problems with the seed itself.

3/30/2012 10:35:53 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I've never soaked my seeds and get 100% germ, but some disease issues pop up. I start 12 seeds with the intention of growing 4, and give the rest away, I agree with andy.

3/30/2012 4:45:27 PM


Webster, NY

Never had a problem with disease. Getting the plant to germinate, and growing was never my problem.

3/31/2012 9:02:15 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

not sure what disease I'm dealing with, but the plant turns white 2 days after germ. and dies fast. I've even used sterile potting mix with no luck. I've been told to use a bleach solution for soak, I've got to figure something out. I lost an 1161 Rodonis last year this way, and you all know that seed was not cheap to come by!

3/31/2012 1:07:38 PM


Webster, NY

Maybe damping off disease? How wet is your soil?

3/31/2012 7:27:26 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Sorry, for possible HiJack, but how does amelio? Know about hogwash? LOL Just curious? Thought it was sorta Southern US type o word? LOL Peace, Wayne

3/31/2012 11:53:43 PM


Central Minnesota

I ran 3 more tests, 7 seeds per test again, over 4 days. This round I selected only those seeds with large thick seeds coats. I used a two hour soak on all 21 seeds. First set of seven, included a 1 x 1 piece of paper towel in the pill cases. The second set of 7 was placed in the pill case out of the soak and the third set was dryed slighly with a paper towel before they went into the pill cases. Only two of the 21 seeds germinated in 4 days.

I then started a new set of the same 21 seeds using a 6 hour soak on the first 7, and a 6 hour soak on the second set, with a 1 x 1 piece of paper towel and a 9 hour soak on the last set of 7. After 24 hours 11 or 12 of the 6 hour soaked seeds have germinated. The 9 hour soaked seeds have not been in 24 hours yet.

4/3/2012 2:40:40 PM


Central Minnesota

I just finished my last round of tests this AM. I started another set of 21 seeds that were sanded, soaked in peroxide/water mixure at a 1 : 3 ratio. I divided the seeds again into lots of 7 with each lot containing the same seeds. I ran a 4 hour soak, and two 6 hour soaks.

For two of the lots I used a 1 inch by 1 inch piece of paper towel in the bottom and then the seed and another piece of paper towel on top to control moisture. The seeds were then placed in the incubator set at 90 degrees.

The last 6 hour soak lot I placed in the pill container on a 1 x 1 piece of paper towel but did not cover with another piece.

After 18 hours 17 of the 21 germinated. At 26 hours all 21 germinated. This is the second round of testing that I have went 21 for 21 using this method. These seeds all have very thick seed coats.

4/11/2012 9:09:57 AM

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