Seed Starting
Subject: paper towel germination
Date Posted
christrules |
I thought I'd post since I use the paper towel method and I have a really bad track record using it. I follow the procedure but I get less than 50% success. After 7 days, the seeds start to mold in the baggie and I give up on them. But, I tried something different this year. After 5 days of no germination, I decided to re-soak the seeds in water for a couple more hours. I put them back into the baggie and checked after 2 days and now there's roots peaking out of some. The paper towel adds moisture but the seed coats might be too thick to let it pass into the seed. If you're having a trouble with this method, maybe its a lack of water inside the seed?
4/25/2011 2:04:15 PM
Phil D |
Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia
Did you file the seeds before soaking them the first time?
4/25/2011 2:16:47 PM
island orange |
van isle b.c. canada
i,ve been using paper towels for years, works great but yes you do have to check on moisture content of towel. i use paper shop towels now, thicker. i soak in water seeds were soaked in ( warm) squeeze in fist twice till no drops fall put seed in and put in baggie @ 85/87 degrees. check after 24 hrs and re soak/ sqeeze as needed. should be slightly moist. do not make towel too wet ! should sprout two three days. bit of a balancing act, not too dry but diffinately not too wet.
4/25/2011 2:20:00 PM
island orange |
van isle b.c. canada
for got to mention, i file seeds ,throw them into some warm water till done filling all seeds then into paper towel and into starter dome thingy:o)
4/25/2011 2:22:25 PM
LiLPatch |
Dummer Twp - Ontario
Check out my diaries for the last couple of years, I went back to the paper towel method but in a plastic tackle box or pill box type box and it has work great. Have my seeds in there since last night and hoping they pop out tuesday morning.
4/25/2011 4:52:53 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Like Island Orange, and many others, I've used the paper towel/zip lock baggy method with great success.
For me, the top of my electric hot water heater tank, is a perfect 82-85 degrees. 7 for 7 this year with the first round of seeds including some older 10 year old seeds!!
I use this method for my tomatos as great!!
4/25/2011 8:43:27 PM
christrules |
Phil, yeah, I filed to almost where you can see the cotx and then soaked for about 3hr. Then, into the paper towel,etc.. I'm thinking a longer soaking time is better and the moisture in the towel is just so the seed coat doesn't dry out for 2 days.
4/25/2011 11:18:16 PM
Richard |
I thought the paper towel was the way to go, and I thought I had it fiqured out how to get 100% germination, then I had a few really good seed nature not germinate. Now I do it the old fashioned way, if it does'nt grow it does'nt grow, I don't have to think I ruined a great seed trying to do it the quicker picker up way.
4/26/2011 1:13:34 AM
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