Seed Starting
Subject: Unexplained...need advice
Date Posted
5150 |
ipswich, ma usa
I started four seeds (filed edged, soaked for two hours, placed in baggie with moist towels, sealed baggie, placed on prop mat) and 48 hours later nothing..... I can't figure why. The temp hovered around 80 to 85 the whole time. The seeds were not directly on the mat either, they were raised up on cake cooling racks. Over the winter I managed to get 14 plants going this way and for the life of me can't figure out what is going on. Paper to moist, mat to hot now? Started 4 more seeds the other night same way. Raised them up a little to cool down the temp a few degrees and at hour 35 nothing!! Hmmmmmm.....getting concerned here. Gonna file and soak a few more and direct seed them into my pots then place on mat and see if that works. Any imput as to a theory why no germination would be appreciated.
John (5150)
5/2/2003 3:38:00 PM
Pappy |
North Ga
I've noticed that older seeds take longer to germinate. Could that be a factor John?
5/2/2003 3:45:49 PM
Riverview School Kids |
Hi - Just a thought -- Could it be your seeds? Maybe they are immature or were dried incorrectly.
5/2/2003 3:51:30 PM
Alexsdad |
Garden State Pumpkins
room ambient temperature different in the winter? my basement runs about ten degrees cooler when it real cold out? might effect true temperature? turn the heat pad down a little this time. just a thought.
5/2/2003 4:50:56 PM
5150 |
ipswich, ma usa
Seeds that were started where the 1005 mombert, 1024 pukos, 953 langevin and 948 nesbitt. Prop mat has a built in thermo so will not be able to turn it down. The only difference from winter till now is I'm living in a new place now. The true temp may have been a little less at my other place which could effect the seeds. But the thermometer inside of my germ area read between 80 and 85, so no real deviation there. Since my last post I filed, soaked 2 new seeds and direct started them in post. Maybe the fact they are elevated higher off the prop mat may help in the germination process. For the hell of it I placed the "other" seeds I tryed starting in pots also. Don't know if they will pop but gotta try. Still early. Hopefully at least the 2 new ones that were direct started will take (845 nesbitt, 1186.4 whittier)
John (5150)
5/2/2003 7:56:26 PM
Vertigo |
New Bremen, Ohio
I'm basically doing the same technique as you and it sounds like you have the same type of prop mat. I checked on a few seeds tonight and they are splitting with a root coming after aerating for 12 hours and putting into napkins. I have a digital thermometer and noticed right off the bat in was at 95. I put a towel underneath the baggie's and the mat. 1 towel dropped it to 91 degrees and applied another which now is at 86 degrees. Seems to be working good.
5/2/2003 9:29:51 PM
Azkikn |
I was curious why you start your seeds in baggie's? I'm new to the AG pumpkins. What are the benefits and what are the disadvantages of starting them that way? Just curious, thanks
5/3/2003 4:40:57 AM
Jim-B |
John, I know the feeling, I went thru it last year. I have a few spare 878 & 874 Beauchemin plants all started in pots if you want one. Jim K has a few spares started also. Let me know...Might be worth your trip up to NH. Jim
5/3/2003 6:58:06 AM
Pappy |
North Ga
Azkikn, the baggie is used to help keep the paper towels damp while your seeds are germinating. Works good for me and haven't really come across any cons.
5/3/2003 7:53:37 AM
Desert Storm |
New Brunswick
5150 and Brian......I just started some older seeds this morning to check out the older seeds theory. I have two sprouted so far (started May 01..sprouted this morning May 03) and they are 02 year. This morning I started 99' we shall see... I use the plastic bag method...but I do not seal the plastic bag...just loosely fold it under....wonder if the prob with the unsprouting seeds is maybe they need some fresh air? I lay mine between wet paper towel (after filing and soaking) set on a plate and shove in plastic bag,with end loosely folded under...then set right on top of our Tim Horton coffee maker. It is the perfect temperature.
5/3/2003 10:16:32 AM
Ohio Pumpkin Farmer |
Just a few questions i have. 1) Why do you need to file Pumpkin seeds? If so, where? 2) Do you recommend using the baggie method or pot? 3) How long do i soak my seeds?
10/30/2003 2:18:03 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
1) I file the seeds all around the edges, except the pointed edge. It make it easier for water to penetrate the hard shell of the seed and the plant shed the seed coats easier. 2) I use the baggie/pot method. I put the seeds in moist paper towel in a ziplock plastic bag until sprouting. Then planting in a 6" pot. 3) I soak for 12 hours in lukewarm water. hth Werner
10/30/2003 3:31:41 PM
Brigitte |
just a disclaimer before i post this....i mean no offense to anyone....
but why is your name Pumpkin Expert? you have questions about generic beginning concepts of giant pumpkin growing...
once again, no offense to you, but i thought it was kinda funny.
10/30/2003 9:59:09 PM
Ohio Pumpkin Farmer |
Well as far as im concerned, I have not seen a Federal Law stating that you can't be called what you want to be on this site. Just because im trying to make my learning of the growth of pumpkins optimistic, doesn't mean I can't call my self a beginning expert. After all, since you talked smack about my name; how bout you teach me all the information I need to know? I hardly doubt you would post this meassage if you didn't know everything about pumpkins there is to know! Right? You got my e-mail, send away!!!
10/30/2003 10:52:10 PM
Ohio Pumpkin Farmer |
Brigitte, If i recall, i do remember seeing the title of this memo board called "unexplained... Need advice.." Not to be rude, but just state some points!
10/30/2003 11:01:41 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Ouch Bridgette you got told! I think he could call himself "God" and there would be no Federal law against it either, however I thought it was funny too; I can see the headlines now "Pumpkin Expert" season ends before it ever begins...
10/31/2003 1:54:05 AM
In the shade - PDX, OR
I bet a lot of people thought the same thing Brigite.
At least that was the 1st question that came to mind.
PE - you can call yourself any thing you want. That is your right. Your name just don't fit. Too contradictory.
If this is something that you desire to be it will take a lot of time,work and study. Until then might I suggest a more realistic handle. How about "Expert in training"
Good luck in your study.
10/31/2003 2:06:10 AM
In the shade - PDX, OR
OH your questions - some answers
1) file around the edges of the seed coat. This aids in moisture absorption (while soaking)and assists the seedling in breaking through the tough coat. also helps the cotyledons in emerging & unfolding undamaged.
2) growers choice - do a germination test if you have some extra 'test' seed. Try both methods, see what works for you.
3) Others have already asked many of the questions that you have OR _will_ have in the future. Do a site seach such as "seed soak" or "soaking seeds" and seed what topics come up. Use this feature for other topics you are curious about.
10/31/2003 2:17:43 AM
southern |
Appalachian Mtns.
Mr. Smarty Smack Talk "Expert", She posted the disclaimer before her comments and you still took it personal, so lighten up.
Here's your advice...sit on them seeds with your warm butt for, oh say, 30 days or so and maybe they'll sprout you somethin' nice. Then you can ask Bridgette what to do and she *might* help you.
10/31/2003 6:01:07 AM
5150 |
ipswich, ma usa
Dammnnnnn.................I asked this question in May!! Does this now count as the longest thread with time between responses. Bridgitte, you can call me anything you want. :) lol
John (5150)
10/31/2003 9:42:43 AM
5150 |
ipswich, ma usa
Sorry Brigitte did'nt mean to put a "D" in your name
John (5150)
10/31/2003 9:48:33 AM
Alexsdad |
Garden State Pumpkins
See John you can get in trouble just waiting around!!! Weighoffs are over and the time is right with the clocks set back to start that Seasonal Disorder. Come on Boily get those plants in the ground get us some pictures!!! chuck
10/31/2003 10:54:36 AM
Billy K |
Mastic Beach, New York
| here's a link ..that jack larue wrote..hope it helps
10/31/2003 5:23:29 PM
Grandpa's patch |
White Bear Lake, Minnesota
5150, I soaked my seeds in warm water over night in an insulated coffee cup, starting at 90*. then I soaked them for an hour in orthenex systemic, then into a bag of captan for a shaking and coating. To avoid touching the seeds I used new chopsticks to poke them into my mix of dirt. I didn't want to waste the leftover orthenex, so i watered them with it. They were up in just 4 days!!!! They look good
5/3/2004 12:14:58 AM
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