Seed Starting
Subject: Germination backwards?
Date Posted
floh |
Cologne / Germany
Strange things happen in my germination box. I filed and soaked then moved my seeds into jars filled with damp batting at 85 F saturday night. Now the coats are opening, but I can´t see a single root. Shouldn´t it be the other way - first root, then opening?
4/15/2003 3:54:01 AM
5150 |
ipswich, ma usa
Give it a little more time. You will see the tip soon.
John (5150)
4/15/2003 8:56:31 AM
pumpkinpal |
syracuse, ny
perhaps the seeds are absorbing water, yet not yet sprouting. damp batting----is that anything to do with a nearly-rained-out baseball game?? lol, couldn't resist.
try your next batch of test seeds in actual starting mix. your temp. is great, and your seedlings will already be in what you're gonna move them into anyway. good luck. 'pal
4/23/2003 2:03:36 PM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Floh, What happened to your seeds? Did they grow?
4/19/2004 2:57:11 AM
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