Seed Starting
Subject: First year grower
Date Posted
dsknoop |
Seattl, WA
I bought about 14 seed at Western Wasington fair this fall and saved them in a plastic bag. I want to plant them but am not sure on when to start my seeds inside, and when to transfer them out side. Any advise would be great.
3/5/2007 2:58:47 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Depending on the size of the container you start them in....approx. 7 to 10 days prior to planting out doors. No idea about your climate, but cold is not good for new little plants. A small (and cheap and easy to build) might be necessary. I plant outside as soon as I see a first true leaf...I plant in 1 gal containers...I start 1 plant early (late March), but that plant is for a mid Aug weighoff. Lots of diff opinions, but somewhere around 130-150 days from transplant to harvest. Hope this helps...and hope some with better success than I will pitch in with ideas. Peace, Wayne
3/5/2007 5:22:37 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Sorry, (cheap and easy to build enclosure). Should proof read better. Peace, Wayne
3/5/2007 5:24:31 PM
Orangeneck (Team HAMMER) |
Eastern Pennsylvania
Time your germination just before your last predicted frost to be safe. In my experience, 7-10 days from when the seedling emerges I transplant. It might take a few days to germinate the seed first.
3/5/2007 10:09:40 PM
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