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Subject:  club root- anyone have experance

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Simi valley, ca

My 522 ceja has club root & its got a cross i really wanted to be one of my main plants, but it grew lots of roots & lookes as good as you can get ! looks great so far, But herd from different people that they sometimes flat vina later , Question i have is what are odds it will flat vine or dobble vine << usely ? not often? or what ?---- & at what length of vine does that happen ?

5/7/2006 11:52:38 PM



I don't think that there is any real "data" on the relationship between a "club root" and genetic abnormalities that show up in the plant later. I do know from experience that the plant that I've grow that was the biggest mess (flat vines, double vines, etc) came from a plant with a club root. Given the choice of growing a seed with a club root and a "normal rooted" seed, I'd pick the normal one any day of the week. If you have backups with genetics you like, that's what I'd go with.

5/8/2006 12:22:55 AM

Snake Oil

Pumpkintown, SC

From my experience and knowledge, club root is "caused" by a fungus and flat/ribbon/double vines are "caused" by genetic factors. No correlation. Also, I have had normal success from club root seedlings and I have had(and heard about) plants failing prior to the fruiting stage.
If it was a seed with genetics I really liked, I would see it through. Then again, that is exactly what I did last year and the plant failed just after the first couple male blossoms. I did however get to use a couple males for pollinators. So, in the end, I was able to make a few crossed I had hoped for. Not a total loss. Just my experiences, BF

5/9/2006 12:50:26 AM

geo. napa ca

Napa Valley, CA

With all the good genetics out there, I would not gamble with club root.
I would start a new seed.

5/10/2006 12:59:54 AM

Drew Papez [email protected]


bryans 1327.5 was a club root last year.

5/10/2006 9:15:44 AM


[email protected]

We've grown club rooted plants with no particular problems. Some growers encouraged me by attesting to their personal bests on these types of seedlings. I'll admit that last years 845 Bobier "Clubby" was on the fastest pace I ever experienced before it split.

5/10/2006 12:02:25 PM


Burt NY

My 1217.7 Bailey has one.

5/14/2006 10:06:33 AM


We had a discussion in chat the other night concerning this topic, Interesting that a few of the "names" in growing huge were there for it, a general comment was "I would never know if the plant was a clubroot or not" simply put,if you are not using the "baggie" method for germination you will never know what the rooot looks like. Actually some of the pics I've seen would indicate extreme root growth which can only be a good thing.
My 2 cents

5/14/2006 10:28:17 AM

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