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Seed Starting

Subject:  Seeds almost started/Done (Jordan G.)

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Jordan Grimes

Aloha, Oregon

Hi all my seeds are filed 25 of them im already feeling the hard work I filled the plastic pots all 25 with potting soil that cary recomended.I filed each seed a bit,not the end point of course.They will all be soaked around 4:00 pm for 4 hours when I get home tomorrow which cary also recomended.then I will use albertsons bags as a plants own personal green house tell they start to grow which cary also recomended but she uses walmart bags albertsons is close enough:)Thanks for all your help I will have a busy busy season for me this year as stupid dumb me wants alot of plants.I plan to do some cross pollinations and if we get the house we want then me and my uncle will grow together.I belive this will be a hard,fun season but well worth it:)
Thanks everyone for all your help.!


4/21/2006 1:43:24 AM


Syracuse, NY

is today the 21st?
unless you are planning on giving away a lot of those
plants to friends and neighbors, my suggestion to you is this:

put a random selection of them back into their packets and
grow them next year. at least half of them.
25 plants is way too many except for the likes of Jack LaRue and Tom Beachy!!!
how can you expect to ever devote enough time and effort to even a dozen, 500-700 square foot plants unless you are retired, unemployed or not-in-school.....
the reason i say this is because i myself have been growing too many plants, and am finally realizing that the fewer i grow, the more i can devote to each of them, both financially as well as time-wise...
this is merely a suggestion, one i would not be making except there are a few hours left to maybe, maybe,
take my advice, which might be the same as others would
offer you, but i got here first. in any event, good luck to you, and i am just trying to help a little----eric g

4/21/2006 1:24:08 PM


Nipomo, California

Would someone please look out for those poor defenseless seedlings!

4/21/2006 6:43:20 PM

Jordan Grimes

Aloha, Oregon

Guys there all fine.Seed starting finished last night.I will be giving them to family such as my uncle on my dads side.I will lower my seed growing by this.
Im starting to realize everything you guys were all saying.
Thanks Everyone,

4/22/2006 11:46:17 AM


Spanish Ontario

jordan wake up an smell the rose,s

4/22/2006 4:02:47 PM

Bohica (Tom)


dont say Roses, he'll want a 1370!

4/22/2006 5:14:34 PM

Total Posts: 6 Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 7:45:19 PM
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