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Subject:  Black spots on seeds

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Long Island,New York

Hi Folks...This has come up now and again so a post now might help someone. When you have a seed with some black on it do yourself a favor and use a powdered fungiside on the seed after soaking. The black spots may be activated by moisture and fungus/mold/mildew may ruin the seed....if it shows signs of the fungus/mildew/mold then you stand a good chance of losing the seed. I soak mine then dust,and place in my container with moist starting soil...soil that was moistened with a water+ captan mix.Blackened seeds like the 1036.5Kline,879Rockwell98*, and others are fine when you take that extra step.....good luck.....G

4/28/2002 7:25:17 PM


Webster, NY

I just had that problem with the 1107 girgus. I tried starting it (without captan) and it's just getting darker. I didn't know if the fungus was just on the seed coat or all the way through, so I removed the seed coat from a different seed, via the advanced seed starting method and thought I'd see if this would help. Any thoughts????

4/28/2002 8:15:23 PM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

Yo Dave,
The black spots are a fungus that grows on the sugars on the seed coat. The fungus invades the sugars before the seed has time to dry out. Once dry the fungus is inactive but will burst into life as soon as the seed is sown in a warm moist compost. Best to put some type of fungicide on the seed before planting. The fungus is only on the outside of the seed...but once the seed starts to swell and take moisture in it also takes in the spores and then ......... THE END OF THE WORLD.


4/28/2002 8:37:57 PM


Webster, NY

Alun, Since on the second seed I removed the seed coat, do you feel it will be all right? In the future I'll use captan, but for now...

4/28/2002 9:28:21 PM

Justin Peek

western Kentucky

Thanks Glenn, and Alun... in about two days i think i am goin to start the 1107 so... i really appreciated the warning :)


4/29/2002 12:29:04 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

This was a good thing to post. My 1061.5 Ciliberto was like this. So i soaked the seed with a fungicide. Then i also sprayed my starting soil with the fungicide several times and mixed it good. Plus i sprayed the hole where the seed will be planted. hope all goes well. I'll let everyone know how this works

5/1/2002 2:35:23 AM


Webster, NY

I took a second seed with an obvious black spot on the seed coat. I removed the seed coat and started the seed using the advanced seed starting method. The seed germinated within 36 hours with no sign of fungus at this point. It is now planted in a peat pot. I'll let you know it it grows all right.

5/1/2002 7:15:41 AM

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