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Subject:  Latest you've ever seen a seed sprout?

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The Jamison


I am very worried about my 695 Handy- I planted it sat. 4/23, and it's still not up. (Today is sat. the 30) The seed shell is cracking, and I can even see green inside. Does it still have a chance at sprouting, even though its been 7 days? What's the latest you've ever seen a seed sprout?

Thanks, Jamie

4/30/2005 10:24:04 AM

The Jamison


Also any advice about what to do, such as remove the seed coat, would be great.

4/30/2005 10:29:06 AM


Minnesota([email protected])

Here might be a similar situation.
I'm sprouting my seeds in moist paper towels. One of the seeds has open up on one side, but the other side remains closed. It's been this way at least 12 hours. What should I do? I'm tempted to soak it again in hydrogen peroxide, until the tap root shows.

Please answer Jamie's questions first, if you can.
Sorry Jamie if I'm piggybacking, it just seems we may have similar dilemmas.


4/30/2005 11:42:21 AM

The Jamison


I just got an email saying I should crack the seed coat off, so I did. The cotyledons look like they're coming along, but NO RADICLE! what could have happaned? I did notice a small crack near the pointy end of the seed, but it didn't look like anything that would hinder the radicle's growth. Could the radicle still grow? If so, what can I do to encourage root growth?

4/30/2005 12:29:10 PM


Sequim, WA

If I was in that situation I would try a little rooting hormone as an experiment.

4/30/2005 1:51:07 PM

The Jamison


Yeah, I might try rooting hormone. Thanks tiller!


4/30/2005 2:05:44 PM

Andy W

Western NY

it may be the same or similar to what some of us refer to as "club root", where the roots are slow to form, or when they do it's a gnarled mess, instead of shooting downward and branching out.

i've only seen it once or twice, and i remember growing a plant out from one of them.

4/30/2005 2:17:41 PM



The cots can and do turn green before the seed sprouts a root. I was gonna thow a seed out the cots where green no root for 3 days then she came.That 846 Calai almost hit the garbage. Wink

4/30/2005 6:53:36 PM

The Jamison


Thanks Andy and David.

4/30/2005 7:26:43 PM



below is a picture of a "club root" seed that I started on the 24th. This picutre was taken on the 29th. It was slower to germinate than the others that were started on the same day.


and for comparision this is what normal seeds look like.

5/2/2005 1:02:51 PM

The Jamison


Thanks for the links, Gordon. Its not looking good, still hasn't sprung a root... I think I'll pull 'er and start a backup or two.

5/2/2005 6:03:00 PM


Omaha, NE (N41-15-42 )

My 805 Pukos last year took 15 days. I'd already started my backup plant (1230 Daletas) because I was sure it wasn't going to come up.

Hang in there!

5/2/2005 7:30:14 PM


Salt Lake City, UT

I just got a couple to sprout after about 9 days. I think I may have let the soil get too dry...

5/3/2005 2:57:17 AM

The Jamison


I pulled it out to take a look, it had mold all over. Oh well, I started a 1230 backup. Thanks for all the help, guys.


5/4/2005 3:32:46 PM


[email protected]

We had an 845 Bobier take 12 days to germinate this year. This is the longest it ever took for me to get one up without it rotting. We got desperate enough to start another one as backup. The second one was treated with GA3 at 1000 PPM & popped in 24 hours....on the same day the first one germinated on its own.

5/4/2005 8:58:39 PM


Anamosa, IA [email protected]

I planted a store AG in the ground in early May 2003. It didn't germinate until July 1, and that was after I ran over it with the tiller. I didn't prune vines or reduce number of pumpkins. I quit spraying for bugs in Early Aug. after hand surgery, and bugs finished it off by September1. It still made 176.6 with only 2 full months of growth.

5/16/2005 5:17:35 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Just had a seed come up after 11 days, but 2? years ago one took 17-18 days, thereabouts, to pop.....I had forgotten about it and it was set aside by the time it finally did arrive.

5/16/2005 11:01:33 PM



Last year, I had some seeds pop up after three weeks. I gave up on them and set the germination tray a side and after about of week of drying out the seeds germinated.

2/12/2006 10:29:16 PM

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