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Subject:  COCONUT MILK for Germination????

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Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

WHY? I am confused.. CYTOKININ's and AUXIN'S...Liquid endosperm...
Cytokins - a hormone involved in controlling cell division
Auxins - The basic plant growth hormone.

Where did you guys learn this stuff...lol

4/29/2005 12:28:53 PM


[email protected]

In my research and discussions with a few seed propogation people, the first and most important step to seed germination is to replenish the moisture we spent time in removing, to be able to store our seeds for period of time until they are planted.
Also on drying our seeds, we place all growth into dormancy.
So what does Coconut milk have.
1)The milk is one of the best rehydration liquids on earth period.
2)The milk of a Coconut has a balanced PH or 7
3) The milk has organic growth promoting prorerties
4) has an enzyme which helps deteriorate the shell and speeds up propagation.

Those are the basics of why I use it, and in fact the plant scientist I talked to, has been using this method for 10 years, and her actually thought it to be common knoledge.
Anyway the milk is pretty decent for humans too.
Check out http://www.cocowater.com/

4/29/2005 2:15:15 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Wow! That's great. I'll have to try that using the coconut milk that I have in my cupboard. I like to keep a can around for cooking. It's commonly used in many Asian and South Asian cuisines. So, it's available in most of the grocery stores in my area.

Does it have any other applications for growing? Could a can or two go into the planting pit?

4/29/2005 3:45:29 PM


ipswich, ma usa


I like to soak myself in Guinness first. Seems to help with the passing of time while we wait for seeds to germinate!

John (5150)

4/29/2005 4:22:28 PM


Syracuse, NY

i had to hit "back"---
couldn't stop looking at that BIKINI! lol.

4/29/2005 7:36:53 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

My guess is it has to come from a fresh Coconut not a can.

4/29/2005 9:13:42 PM


[email protected]

I used coconut water right from the coconut. I believe if it comes from a can it would be pasturized. John mix a little coconut water in with your guiness, it can't hurt lol.

4/29/2005 10:57:44 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Well, it can't hurt to try. So, I probably will.

But, as I understand it, the stuff in the can is made mostly by grating up the coconut flesh and squeezing out the milk. The results aren't as watery as coconut water. They're actually pretty creamy. But, I'm not sure how different the nutritive contents would be.

What would be the effect of pasteurization?

Thankfully I live within spitting distance of a couple of large Chinese and Korean markets. So, I wouldn't be surprised if I could buy a jug of coconut water for relatively cheap. But, would I run into the same problems with pasteurization?

4/30/2005 12:51:54 AM


White Plains, NY

After soaking is it still good for Pina Colada's?

4/30/2005 10:03:45 AM


[email protected]

I'll give the pina colada a try for sure, lol
On a serious note. The 715 Dill(male pollinator for the 810 dill) and the 680 Stelts (selfed 562 Rose) are both hard to germinate seeds. I planted 2 of each 56 hrs ago and they are all up. Good enough for me to keep using it

4/30/2005 12:16:05 PM


Minnesota([email protected])

Do you file the seeds, then soak them in coconut milk?
If do, how long do you soak the seeds for?


4/30/2005 2:28:57 PM


Minnesota([email protected])

I found the answer in your diary.
Do you think soaking in just coconut milk would work?


4/30/2005 2:33:13 PM


[email protected]

I have in practice runs and had great success. Now I also believe setting your seed in warm dirt is also huge. The dirt my seeds go into is above 80 degrees. I have it in the incubator for 2 days befor the seeds go into it. I use a 1 quart plastic container with 4 quarter inch holes in the bottom that I drill in. It takes that long for the temperature to get there. The holes are for drainage.
I like to use the seed starter papers because it actually stains the seed as it soaks in. On a white seed the cotts are a bit red and the shell is very soft. on a tan seed the red is almost to the cotts. I guess a little food coloring would do that.
I really don't think this method would make a lot of difference with newer seeds, as they geminate quite easily. but it sure is with older ones.
I have a few tough seeds planned for next year, need to practice more, I'd really like to germinate as 875 Lloyd. That's my goal.

4/30/2005 4:21:07 PM


Cologne / Germany

Don´t rely on what you buy. Go get some tickets to fly to the white sands island, climb, grab some of these nuts and find it all out for yourself.
That´s the real deal for the whole family and maybe your pumpkins.

4/30/2005 7:16:15 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Too late. I already tried it. Details in my diary.

I hope it works!

5/2/2005 9:12:51 PM


Minnesota([email protected])

I'm trying it too, on a 2000 seed. The other two I soaked for 6 hrs. in hydrogen peroxide, didn't germinate. They started smelling a little funny, so I assume they are shot.
I'll try 20 hrs., or so, in straight coconut milk.


5/2/2005 10:13:30 PM


Itzetown City

Hey Shannon, was´nt it you who said to me I should save the coconut water for pina colada? LOL

5/4/2005 6:25:07 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

ohhh I still think you should use the coconut milk for a Pina Colada. Just soak your seeds in it before hand. Then Enjoy:)

5/4/2005 9:57:12 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Well, all but one of my five seeds have broken ground after less than three days. So, I guess the coconut milk worked. Or, at least it didn't hurt.

5/5/2005 12:37:37 AM

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