Seed Starting
Subject: ? about advanced seed starting
Date Posted
Azores,terceira Island
hey 1 of my kids yanked a seed and broke the tap root, so i tried the advanced seed starting. I was able to safely remove the seed coat without any damage to the endosperm or embryo. can somebody please give me an estimate of how long it will take it to pop out of the soil...Ryan
4/27/2005 6:21:22 PM
Azores,terceira Island
any one
4/28/2005 5:30:38 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
shouldn't take any MORE time than the usual 3-4 days; i THINK it was Monty J that had some intersting experiments going-on, some with the seed coats actually removed, and the ones with the seed coats removed fared a little better than ones that were just filed and soaked. in the meantime, put up a fence around your peat-pots, lol! eric
4/28/2005 6:36:29 PM
california |
did one in two days
4/28/2005 10:08:42 PM
Duster |
San Diego
I always get root growth within 24 hours or less, as quick as 16 hours. Then I put the embryo in a pot, comes up in 3 days or so usually.
4/29/2005 1:08:16 AM
Azores,terceira Island
thanks guys
4/29/2005 4:08:49 AM
MontyJ |
Follansbee, Wv
Yeah, it was me with the germinating experiments. The results are in my diary. The "advanced" seed did, in fact, emerge ahead of the others. I tried the method several times, in different mediums, to judge it's effectiveness. When compared to seeds started the "normal" ways, both filed and unfiled, the "advanced" seeds always came up first. The time difference was usually 1 day or less. After 10 days however, there was little difference.
4/29/2005 8:24:21 AM
docgipe |
Montoursville, PA
For any kooks out their that enjoy being different.....Your body temperature is 98.8. Wrap a filed and soaked seed in wet paper and tape it, to your body, with carton sealing tape. You pick the body part, to tape it on.
Check it, in twenty four. It will be ready, for the pot.
Do it. Everyone knows we are all nuts so prove it beyond a shadow, of a doubt. :)
I am firmly convinced this is the only way, to germinate, a fifteen hundred pounder. This is the ultimate secret. :)
4/29/2005 10:59:15 AM
Azores,terceira Island
LOL!!! my my neighbors already think i am nuts.
4/29/2005 11:01:58 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
awwwwww, i thought of this about a month ago, but forgot it three weeks ago! cool..errr, i mean, warm idea!
4/29/2005 6:42:04 PM
Midnight Punkin' Hauler |
Butler, Ohio
ROFL, Doc!!! It just might work. The guys in the warehouse that load my truck at night found out I was startin my seeds tonight, so the talk of the shop all day was....of course...pumpkins!!
4/29/2005 8:58:14 PM
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