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Subject:  Vine pointing straight up

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Green Toe


The main on my green house bushel gourd is pointing almost straight up about 2 ft. I’m worried about it snapping I don’t have any experience with BGs this is the first year I got any to germinate any suggestions would be appreciated

5/20/2021 7:59:28 PM


Fullerton, California

On my pumpkins I put a pile of dirt to keep it from kinking then tie an old robe belt onto two stakes and lay it across the main. Spreading the stakes a little everyday, applying a little more pressure until I have touchdown. Being that it so long now I would start closer to the stump or are we calling it the crown now.

5/20/2021 9:13:52 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

I have never seen a bushel gourd vine split or snap, however I have also never seen one grow two feet straight up. Bushel gourd vines are usually nice and pliable my bet is that you will be just fine.

5/20/2021 9:33:31 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Artificial light, or darkness on one side... give it something to avoid... or to grow towards.

5/21/2021 12:46:00 AM

Green Toe


With some help from my daughter I posted pics from yesterday and today on my diary I hope they went through tonite when I got home it was down and ready to go thanks for your responses I guess I worry too much

5/21/2021 9:00:11 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

It is funny, I said I had never seen it before. I just looked at mine today it is going straight up about 18". I have never worried about the bushel gourds, they are prone to far fewer problems.

5/21/2021 10:09:01 PM


Syracuse, NY

Vineagra? sorry---eg

5/22/2021 2:12:46 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT


5/22/2021 6:41:24 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Lol, it really likes you, Green Toe!

I've never grown a bushel gourd before, but I'm wondering if your plant is responding to an abundance of nitrogen in the soil. One of my AG's grew upwards all season long since someone (me) thought that more nitrogen in the soil would be epic, lol!!!! So, I'm wondering how much nitrogen is in your soil right now.

Much luck to you, Green Toe! Have a great season!

5/22/2021 2:18:46 PM

Green Toe


That’s funny stuff lol !

5/22/2021 8:32:35 PM


Sharon, MA

They have very flexible vines like big moon said, but 2ft is a long fall that could stress the vine.. Maybe give it a tiny nudge in the direction you want it to fall, and then criss-cross some bamboo stakes about 1 ft off the ground, to catch the vine as it starts to lean over for the next few days then wait a day remove the stakes and let if finish its fall.

5/31/2021 10:17:21 AM


Sharon, MA

Oop's just read that it already hit ground. problem solved. good luck.

5/31/2021 10:18:23 AM

Total Posts: 12 Current Server Time: 2/21/2025 10:21:22 AM
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