Bushel Gourd Growing Forum
Subject: Germination
Date Posted
jack-o-rama |
Logan Utah
Ok this is first year growing bushel gourds. How do I germinate ? Thanks
2/25/2021 10:38:15 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Hi---this is all i found initially via the Search Window on the front page of this site that everyone can initially visit in conjunction with a general query such as this with
bushel gourd germination
THAT way, you get answers right away from the past and also please see the post right below yours and see about ordering up that DVD available from the World Record grower of them, AKA pumpconn, and, as i should do, the other four pages of posts from days gone by---Good Luck! eg
2/26/2021 7:15:25 AM
irischap |
Guelph, Ontario
I remove hard shell, using fingernail clippers. Then place between damp paper towels in a plastic baggie, under lights, with a heating pad with some Styrofoam on top of pads, so not too warm.
Germinate in a day or two
2/26/2021 8:45:08 AM
Total Posts: 3 |
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