Bushel Gourd Growing Forum
Subject: World Record and State Record List
Date Posted
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Let's compile a list of each new state record. Tennessee - Jeremy Terry - 384.5 - World Record Wisconsin - Barlow/Jacobus - 370.0 Canadian Record - G. Ansems - 335.0 Virginia - Dustin Price - 333.7 Minnesota - Chris Brown - 331.0 Oregon - Jim Sherwood - 303.5 Missouri - Doug English - 279.5 Michigan - Tom Trombley - 273.0 North Carolina - Robert Burchette - 251.0 Kentucky - James Wexler - 250.5 Arkansas - Jeremy Lindley - 147.0
I am not familiar with some of the other states former and current records, so if I didn't post your state record please and the state - grower - and weight to this list. This way we can have build a reference for growers to go by
10/8/2018 11:51:33 AM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Correction* North Carolina - Andrew Vial - 226.0
10/8/2018 12:31:21 PM
Jay Yohe |
Pittsburgh, PA
Pennsylvania - Larry & Gerry Checkon - 264.5
10/8/2018 12:44:03 PM
Team Wexler |
Lexington, Ky
Oregon,Pennsylvania and Arkansas records grown from the 250.5 Wexler. Thanks Jim, Larry/Gerry and Jeremy for giving it a go.
Other potential state records from the 250.5 would be Washington and California, still lots to come from those areas though.
10/8/2018 12:59:52 PM
Team Wexler |
Lexington, Ky
I think Sue may have the Ohio record as of now?
10/8/2018 1:00:15 PM
cojoe |
Colorado-joe scherber-170
10/8/2018 1:18:05 PM
cojoe |
370 and 384.5 aren't fair:) On different genetics to boot. I feel some hybred vigour coming out of crossing those two lines.
10/8/2018 1:21:56 PM
jsterry |
East Tennessee
Tyler had the Ohio Record I believe with 2 something from last year. Cojoe I sure hole i can get a 370 to grow next year :-)
10/8/2018 1:26:21 PM
Mike F. |
Hanson Ma
Ma. Is now 245.5 Steve Connolly.
10/8/2018 2:51:42 PM
cojoe |
Congrats again Jeremy that 384.5 is very impressive
10/8/2018 3:16:11 PM
lcheckon |
Northern Cambria, Pa.
And thank you Jamie for the seed!
10/8/2018 3:18:45 PM
Team Wexler |
Lexington, Ky
Correct, Tyler (Ohio)grew a 212 last year, my mistake.
10/8/2018 3:25:37 PM
faeldaz |
Omaha, Nebraska
Nebraska - Jennifer Woolf - 157.0
10/8/2018 5:09:24 PM
Hobbit |
Walhalla, ND.
That’s incredible gains over years past. Congradulations everyone...
10/8/2018 6:43:25 PM
andrew943 GWG |
Liberty nc
Lindley I’m 226.5. Might need that half pound one day!!! Lol
10/8/2018 8:52:23 PM
lunker99 |
Iowa-Paul Harrington 154.0
10/8/2018 10:18:56 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Connecticut- Gene LaRiviere, 208 pounds
10/9/2018 7:23:54 AM
Rick j. |
stoughton WI
Illinios s.r. 169 lbs gene mcmullen
10/9/2018 11:37:43 AM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Tennessee - Jeremy Terry - 384.5 - World Record Wisconsin - Barlow/Jacobus - 370.0 Canadian Record - G. Ansems - 335.0 Virginia - Dustin Price - 333.7 Minnesota - Chris Brown - 331.0 Oregon - Jim Sherwood - 303.5 Missouri - Doug English - 279.5 Michigan - Tom Trombley - 273.0 North Carolina - Andrew Vial - 226.5 Kentucky - James Wexler - 250.5 Arkansas - Jeremy Lindley - 147.0 Pennsylvania - Larry & Gerry Checkon - 264.5 Colorado-Joe Scherber-170.0 Mass - Steve Connolly - 245.5 Illinois - Gene McMullen - 169.0 Iowa - Paul Harrington - 154.0 Connecticut - Gene LaRiviere - 208.0
Lets keep this going until we have all the states listed
10/10/2018 1:34:29 PM
Big and Orange |
Lima, Ohio
Ohio - Tyler Reinhard - 212.0
10/10/2018 2:20:21 PM
Big City Grower (Team coming out of retirement ) |
Sure makes you wonder how long it will take to get to 1000 pounds with the gains we seen this year....
10/10/2018 8:33:21 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
Washington, Annie New, 126.0
10/10/2018 9:07:55 PM
daveigiantguy |
North Pole,Alaska
Alaska, Dave Iles, 174.0
10/11/2018 8:43:07 AM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Tennessee - Jeremy Terry - 384.5 - World Record Wisconsin - Barlow/Jacobus - 370.0 Canadian Record - G. Ansems - 335.0 Virginia - Dustin Price - 333.7 Minnesota - Chris Brown - 331.0 Oregon - Jim Sherwood - 303.5 Missouri - Doug English - 279.5 Michigan - Tom Trombley - 273.0 North Carolina - Andrew Vial - 226.5 Kentucky - James Wexler - 250.5 Arkansas - Jeremy Lindley - 147.0 Pennsylvania - Larry & Gerry Checkon - 264.5 Colorado-Joe Scherber-170.0 Mass - Steve Connolly - 245.5 Illinois - Gene McMullen - 169.0 Iowa - Paul Harrington - 154.0 Connecticut - Gene LaRiviere - 208.0 Nebraska - Jennifer Woolf - 157.0 Ohio - Tyler Reinhard - 212.0 Washington - Annie New - 126.0 Alaska - Dave Iles - 174.0
Lets keep it going
10/11/2018 10:15:43 AM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
I have a word sheet prepared with all the states listed so far... please keep updating each state as we find out info
10/11/2018 3:03:55 PM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
•Alabama •Alaska - Dave Iles - 174.0 •Arizona •Arkansas - Jeremy Lindley - 147.0 •California •Colorado - Joe Scherber - 170.0 •Connecticut - Gene LaRiviere - 208.0 •Delaware •Florida •Georgia •Hawaii •Idaho •Illinois - Gene McMullen - 169.0 •Indiana •Iowa - Paul Harrington - 154.0 •Kansas •Kentucky - James Wexler - 250.5 •Louisiana •Maine •Maryland •Massachusetts - Steve Connolly - 245.5 •Michigan - Tom Trombley - 273.0 •Minnesota - Chris Brown - 331.0 •Mississippi •Missouri - Doug English - 279.5 •Montana •Nebraska - Jennifer Woolf - 157.0 •Nevada •New Hampshire •New Jersey •New Mexico •New York •North Carolina - Andrew Vial - 226.5 •North Dakota •Ohio - Tyler Reinhard - 212.0 •Oklahoma •Oregon - Jim Sherwood - 303.5 •Pennsylvania - Larry & Gerry Checkon - 264.5 •Rhode Island •South Carolina •South Dakota •Tennessee - Jeremy Terry - 384.5 - World Record •Texas •Utah •Vermont •Virginia - Dustin Price - 333.7 •Washington - Annie New - 126.0 •West Virginia •Wisconsin - Barlow/Jacobus - 370.0 •Wyoming
10/11/2018 3:04:45 PM
VTWilbur |
Springfield, VT
Vermont is 205.00 Cole, Michael 2018
10/11/2018 4:56:52 PM
Sandkin |
Arizona 59.25
10/11/2018 11:58:26 PM
bigmelons |
Kansas Tony Prochaska - 149 lb. 2018
10/14/2018 9:41:29 AM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Sandkin You'll have to give me your name. Didn't see it on the GPC site
10/15/2018 2:46:25 PM
Ralph |
Vernal, Ut
Utah is Richard Glassford 171 lbs
10/15/2018 4:48:57 PM
pumpconn |
Sharon, MA
Thanks for collecting this Jlindley. Does anyone have a picture of the 370 Jacobus/Barlow BG.
10/16/2018 6:57:09 AM
Big and Orange |
Lima, Ohio
New Ohio record - AJ Kropp 239.5
10/16/2018 7:26:50 AM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
•Alabama •Alaska - Dave Iles - 174.0 •Arizona •Arkansas - Jeremy Lindley - 147.0 •California •Colorado - Joe Scherber - 170.0 •Connecticut - Gene LaRiviere - 208.0 •Delaware •Florida •Georgia •Hawaii •Idaho •Illinois - Gene McMullen - 169.0 •Indiana •Iowa - Paul Harrington - 154.0 •Kansas - Tony Prochaska – 149.0 •Kentucky - James Wexler - 250.5 •Louisiana •Maine •Maryland •Massachusetts - Steve Connolly - 245.5 •Michigan - Tom Trombley - 273.0 •Minnesota - Chris Brown - 331.0 •Mississippi •Missouri - Doug English - 279.5 •Montana •Nebraska - Jennifer Woolf - 157.0 •Nevada •New Hampshire •New Jersey •New Mexico •New York •North Carolina - Andrew Vial - 226.5 •North Dakota •Ohio – AJ Kropp – 239.5 •Oklahoma •Oregon - Jim Sherwood - 303.5 •Pennsylvania - Larry & Gerry Checkon - 264.5 •Rhode Island •South Carolina •South Dakota •Tennessee - Jeremy Terry - 384.5 - *World Record* •Texas •Utah - Richard Glassford – 171.0 •Vermont - Michael Cole - 205.0 •Virginia - Dustin Price - 333.7 •Washington - Annie New - 126.0 •West Virginia •Wisconsin - Barlow/Jacobus - 370.0 •Wyoming
10/17/2018 2:08:12 PM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
I know we gotta be missing some states
10/19/2018 1:03:50 PM
don young |
101.00 Klowas, Patrick Cleburne Texas United States Bloomfield Giant Pumpkin Bash 247 Kent Open 161.0 121.00 -17.
10/19/2018 5:27:21 PM
pumpkin bell |
130.00 Wahl for Alabama as far as I know.
11/1/2018 10:03:34 PM
tjsna |
Are all the new BG records grown from the seed or are they or where they grafted.
11/10/2018 8:07:35 PM
_____ |
What is the record for California? What am I shootin' for?
12/1/2018 2:07:17 PM
_____ |
The heaviest on any GPC results I can find is the 119 R,Warren 2018. Should I assume that is the topper???
12/1/2018 2:14:27 PM
Jay Yohe |
Pittsburgh, PA
Dirt - you need to check the past 3 years. I believe that’s when the official GPC weights began. Someone please chime in if I’m wrong.
12/2/2018 12:36:10 AM
_____ |
That's where I found the info for the 119 , Jay. Grown by Randy Warren at the 2018 Elk Grove weighoff.
I'm guessing that's the record, although it's possible that a heavier one was weighed previously at a non GPC event...
12/2/2018 4:17:18 PM
_____ |
Seems doable....
12/12/2018 1:03:05 PM
_____ |
Hmmmm...Just noticed someone mention a 193 Urena in a previous post. Now I'm wondering if That's the real record. ???
12/12/2018 1:27:32 PM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Working on a update to the list. Will post updated list soon
2/4/2019 7:47:54 PM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Here's what I currently have
•Alabama - Wahl - 130.0 •Alaska - Dave Iles - 174.0 •Arizona 59.25 •Arkansas - Jeremy Lindley - 147.0 •California - Leonardo Urena - 193.0 •Colorado - Joe Scherber - 170.0 •Connecticut - Gene LaRiviere - 208.0 •Delaware •Florida •Georgia •Hawaii •Idaho •Illinois - Gene McMullen - 169.0 •Indiana •Iowa - Paul Harrington - 154.0 •Kansas - Tony Prochaska - 149.0 •Kentucky - James Wexler - 250.5 •Louisiana •Maine •Maryland •Massachusetts - Steve Connolly - 245.5 •Michigan - Tom Trombley - 273.0 •Minnesota - Chris Brown - 331.0 •Mississippi •Missouri - Doug English - 279.5 •Montana •Nebraska - Jennifer Woolf - 157.0 •Nevada •New Hampshire •New Jersey •New Mexico •New York •North Carolina - Andrew Vial - 226.5 •North Dakota •Ohio - AJ Kropp - 239.5 •Oklahoma •Oregon - Jim Sherwood - 303.5 •Pennsylvania - Larry & Gerry Checkon - 264.5 •Rhode Island •South Carolina •South Dakota •Tennessee - Jeremy Terry - 384.5 - *World Record* •Texas - Pat Klowas - 101.0 •Utah - Richard Glassford - 171.0 •Vermont - Michael Cole - 205.0 •Virginia - Dustin Price - 333.7 •Washington - Annie New - 126.0 •West Virginia •Wisconsin - Barlow/Jacobus - 370.0 •Wyoming
2/5/2019 8:43:37 AM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
Needing additional Canadian info
•Alabama - Wahl - 130.0 •Alaska - Dave Iles - 174.0 •Arizona 59.25 •Arkansas - Jeremy Lindley - 147.0 •California - Leonardo Urena - 193.0 •Colorado - Joe Scherber - 170.0 •Connecticut - Gene LaRiviere - 208.0 •Delaware •Florida •Georgia •Hawaii •Idaho •Illinois - Gene McMullen - 169.0 •Indiana •Iowa - Paul Harrington - 154.0 •Kansas - Tony Prochaska - 149.0 •Kentucky - James Wexler - 250.5 •Louisiana •Maine •Maryland •Massachusetts - Steve Connolly - 245.5 •Michigan - Tom Trombley - 273.0 •Minnesota - Chris Brown - 331.0 •Mississippi •Missouri - Doug English - 279.5 •Montana •Nebraska - Jennifer Woolf - 157.0 •Nevada •New Hampshire •New Jersey •New Mexico •New York •North Carolina - Andrew Vial - 226.5 •North Dakota •Ohio - AJ Kropp - 239.5 •Oklahoma •Oregon - Jim Sherwood - 303.5 •Pennsylvania - Larry & Gerry Checkon - 264.5 •Rhode Island •South Carolina •South Dakota •Tennessee - Jeremy Terry - 384.5 - *World Record* •Texas - Pat Klowas - 101.0 •Utah - Richard Glassford - 171.0 •Vermont - Michael Cole - 205.0 •Virginia - Dustin Price - 333.7 •Washington - Annie New - 126.0 •West Virginia •Wisconsin - Barlow/Jacobus - 370.0 •Wyoming
•Alberta •British Columbia •Manitoba •New Brunswick •Newfoundland and Labrador •Nova Scotia •Ontario •Prince Edward Island •Quebec •Saskatchewan •Northwest Territories •Nunavut •Yukon
2/5/2019 9:02:37 AM
pumpconn |
Sharon, MA
171.5 grown by Steve Ellis from New Hampshire at Topsfield Fair in 2015
2/13/2019 10:02:21 PM
pumpconn |
Sharon, MA
New Hampshire: Steve Ellis 171.5
8/19/2019 8:44:35 PM
Colorado Pumpkin |
Parker, CO
Colorado - Chad New - 181
10/7/2019 10:51:55 PM
PumpkinFanatic |
Wyoming - Andy Corbin 104
10/8/2019 9:59:57 PM
Alabama - Steven Jackson BG 239lbs
9/20/2020 5:48:46 PM
Pcaspers |
Peosta, Iowa
Iowa - Rusty Caspers 267 weighed in Bloomfield IA
10/4/2020 11:30:20 AM
cojoe |
Chad New-colorado-248lbs
10/4/2020 5:25:34 PM
Total Posts: 54 |
Current Server Time: 2/22/2025 1:52:37 AM |