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Subject:  bushel gourds

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Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

If you like to grow these ...speak up. Anyone interested in a contest. Mark at WWGG said he will host the contest with prize money if there is enough interest.

1/24/2014 10:32:44 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

They look like alot of fun to grow & seem pretty easy. I have not tryed them yet but their size & the fact that they can keep to go to a weighoff is a big plus. Many growers get 150 to 200 lbs. I believe the WR is 245 lbs by Paul Jeffiers. If anyone know more about that post it.

1/24/2014 10:37:05 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

I have seen 2 different types of seed. The standard gourd (Lagenaria)& ones that are bigger with softer sides on them. Any differences or are they just like the tan/white seeds that AG's have?

1/24/2014 10:40:51 PM



I grew a 177 westfall last year(small seed a hair bigger than long gourd) . Also grew a 135 neuinhoff?- giant softer seed. They produced similar sized plants. The westfall grew a 135#(on a trellise) beautiful dark green gourd. The other produced a lighter green fruit which didnt set till way late in season.

1/25/2014 12:22:13 AM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

They keep for a long time but timing is very important if you are growing for weight. Once they are fully grown they start to dry out and lose weight quickly. I've grown them three times and my 155 was a smaller fruit than my 135.5. The 135.5 was done growing a month before the weigh off and had started to ripen and dry out. The line I've been growing has the huge seeds that look like a pecan half. The plant is easy to grow, love the heat, but can be hard to germinate (like it 95f) and difficult setting a fruit. I've never had any disease problem. I thought the world record was 265 but it's hard to find any info.
I would be interested in joining a BG class at WWGG. John Nieuwenhoff

1/25/2014 7:30:07 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Whats the length of time on growing? How long does the fruit Grow??

1/25/2014 7:51:20 AM


Joliet, IL

I grew a 130 pounder grown from the 155 Nieuwenhoff. Light green fruit grown on a fence with no tap roots...just the main stump for roots. Plant stayed disease free all season without fungicides except p.m. showing later on. Used doubled up shade cloth as a hammock support off fence. Wasn't planning on one getting that big. I grew them hoping to get multiple basketball sized ones for crafting when dried. So the plant in a 3' wide by 8' long raised bed coming up the fence produced one about 90 pounds, one about 80 lbs and one about 60lbs besides the 130 pounder. Very fun plant with pics in my 2013 diary. If I had room I would try to grow one on the ground similar to a pumpkin and one giant one on the main. But I dont have room so I will grow on fence just for fun again this year.

1/25/2014 10:40:45 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

do they root from the nodes like pumpkins and melons ?

1/25/2014 10:55:54 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

thats ausome shazzy, so in a 25 sq ft patch you grew all those . NICE !!

1/25/2014 10:57:44 AM


Toledo Ohio

Chris, I tried to email you yesterday but I must have had the wrong address but if you want you can email me [email protected] the only problem I had was getting them to pollinate early. Eventhough I had a late pollination I still managed to grow one to 148.9 lbs. I also think with more people growing them the world record will be challanged, so I think a contest would be great for everyone.

1/25/2014 12:08:53 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Looks like a good bit of interest here to me.Are there others who might be on board?Dont be shy We will base the purse on interest to join.This will be class #10 for the Worldwidegiantgrowers.com 2014 season. If we get a couple more on board?

1/25/2014 1:16:24 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

They do root at the nodes like pumpkins and melons. I found the plants to be very aggressive, and all around very healthy and trouble free. I had most of mine set for me in August and some set at the end of July. They were harvested at the end of September. (Many were still very young looking.) I am thinking they don't grow for as long as an AG, but maybe not quite as fast as a field pumpkin. I am guessing they would have the most similarities to a long gourd, if looking for a comparison.

1/25/2014 2:38:19 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

How big an area did you grow in to get your gourds??

1/25/2014 4:13:59 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Chris, I grew a 245.5 lb. gourd from the 177 Westfall. The plant was grown in a flag pattern. I eliminated all tertiary
vines. Pollination was set @ 14' on a secondary vine. The area
grown was around 450 Sq.Ft. Seeds will be available to GVGO
members in their membership packs.

1/25/2014 10:40:15 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

I to grew the 177 Westfall. Dan Westfall also grew the 177 which set a state record for largest bushel gourd ever grown and 5 minutes later that record was beat by a few pounds by Doug English who I believe also grew a 177 Westfall and is currently the state record for Missouri!

1/25/2014 11:40:35 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Ok I have Chris Kent,Jason Gfeller,Eric Proctor,John & Sue Nienwenoff.Any body else on board for small contest say paying 3 places like the tall sunflower class we just started.If you will commit to a membership for this.Please post below Im in.You can get seeds with your membership.

Thanks [email protected]

Any questions?post them here for the group to answer?

1/26/2014 8:23:02 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Chris, my tilled spot was 20x20, I had two plants in that area and I let them run wherever they wanted to. They easily covered the 20x20 and then they engulfed another 400 square feet of grass.

1/26/2014 8:33:06 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

wow, ok very aggressive....just what us growers like..... i bet with some breeding we could get 300+ lbs ! How long do they(the fruit) grow ????

1/26/2014 8:51:12 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

ok, countykid on the GVGO board said on sept 2011 "268lbs is the World Record on Gourd" is that still standing and by whom ??

1/26/2014 1:51:19 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

A good start with breeding lines is with Dan Westfall's 177. He has been growing them big for years. Cross this with John N's 135.5/155 or with Urena's 159/193 pelota gourd and you have the potential for hybrid vigor. All 3 of these seed lines are distinct. With increased number of quality growers experimenting with different growing techniques I think we can reach 350+ lbs.

1/26/2014 3:39:00 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

So Doug would a contest be of interest to you?

1/26/2014 4:09:19 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Chris, I agree totally with Big Moon. They are very aggressive growers and can easily occupy the same square footage of a Pumpkin. I changed from no pruning to using pumpkin pruning techniques with improved success in 2013. I start seed in late April with pollination in early July. Visible gourd growth tends to stop around mid to late Sept. here in Missouri. They are harvested for the first weekend in Oct. weigh off. Your times in Tennessee may vary. I will start with 3 pollinations per plant and cull down to 1 after 2-3 weeks. Like watermelon ,these plants hate to only have one gourd on a plant.

1/26/2014 4:14:04 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Mark, I basically grow the heavy gourds for fun. I would consider entering if this would help generate more interest in growing these great plants. I'll E-mail you for more info.

1/26/2014 4:27:15 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Doug, so we are looking at 70-80 days growth ?? Do you have any pictures or a diary ?? Thanks

1/26/2014 5:27:44 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Does anyone have pictures of these things growing....would be helpfull to all i think. Thanks

1/26/2014 5:29:03 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Dig and Doug, did you hand pollinate yours? If so how did you do it?

1/27/2014 8:12:38 AM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Chris, If you go to the auction schedule at BP, scroll down
to the previous auctions and click on Southeast South Dakota
growers details. On Lot 23, there is a photo of the bushel gourd. I think 70-80 days of visible growth is about right. I suspect it still is adding pounds internally for a little longer. The key is to pack on pounds in that time span. With more growers like you who are willing to experiment, it will be fun to see what weights can be achieved.

1/27/2014 4:33:55 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Big Moon (John), I did hand pollinate. The blooms open mid evening like long gourds. The 245.5 was selfed. I try to pick what I consider the most promising females and brush the male flowers on them. I raise bees thus I isolate the females by covering them before and after pollination. Once I have a promising take, I remove all further female flowers. No small feat as you know! Your 187 was quite impressive given all the others that were on the plant. You are no doubt doing a lot of things right. I would love to talk to you or any other gourd growers about their methods.
I can be reached at dougvickyenglish at sbcglobal.net

1/27/2014 5:02:21 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Pumpkin Shepherd, where did your seed line come from?

Doug & big moon, you both grew the 177 westfall, thats the smaller seed right?

I have seen both Big moons picts & the one you referenced doug, any others out there? Or do you doug have any more?

1/27/2014 7:00:47 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

How do you grow them as far as position? Blossem end down ??
will they grow on their side like a pumpkin ??

1/27/2014 7:02:28 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

How many seeds in a gourd ??

1/27/2014 7:04:35 PM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

My seed line came from Quarry Farm Gourds and it was from their 100 pound plus line. When I ordered the the lady told me they would never grow very big in Ontario so I stuck a plant in a corner on the side of a hill and never did much to it. It ended up 155.5 pounds. Both gourds I've grown had about 400 seeds, and we're grown on their side in about 100 sq ft. This year I'm giving them a good spot with lots of room in the real garden and actually pay some attention to them. I think is one of the World Records that could actually be within reach of a lot of people.

1/27/2014 8:06:06 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

how do you estimate the weight. Do they follow the pumpkin chart?

1/27/2014 8:58:26 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Doug brought the gourd by my house that weighed 245 pounds and the thing was massive.

1/27/2014 9:00:57 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Chris I did not have to adjust mine at all. They have really long stems. I did adjust a couple of them to make sure that there was some slack so that they wouldn't pull themselves off the vine. Most of mine had the stems on top, so the blossom end was on the ground. Doug I am not sure why I had such good results. The weather here was not really that hot. I was told they like the heat. The only thing I can credit is the seed and soil. I had them on really good soil that had lots of compost and chicken manure. Unfortunately the chicken manure was not broken down and it was mixed with shavings. That didn't seem to hurt things at all. The shavings were all decomposed by midsummer. So maybe the nutrients became available at the right time for decent fruit growth. Also I really think the 177 Westfall seed and it's offspring have world record potential.

1/27/2014 10:32:40 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Chris, The Westfall seed is much smaller than John's 155.5. Urena's pelota seed is 3/4 the size of John's and somewhat similar in shape. I had over 300 seeds in the 245.5. I used the OTT method. Field pumpkin,AG,and watermelon charts were checked. All 3 under estimated my gourd with the watermelon being the closest (off by 22 lb.) John is right when he says they lose weight once they are either too old or picked early. I cut mine the night before the weigh off. At this years weigh off, my gourd was not greatly larger than Dan's. However, I was surprised when mine was 85 lbs heavier. The gourd was grown on it's side.

1/27/2014 10:33:09 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes Thanks Doug Im thinking about a contest with a purse just like the tallest sunflower 300$ paying 3 places we just started last week I know theres a few on board & Chris looks pretty interested as well as Jason Gfeller.So I will get a contest together by the weekend.Shoot me an E-mail if your [email protected] You can join now if you like write Bushel gourd in the comment box @ membership page & send 25$ to Worldwidegiantgrowers There is a paypal button & adress to mail check on website.Worldwidegiantgrowers.com

1/27/2014 10:38:44 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Mark, I think I will jump in. I would love to see Dan Westfall become involved. He has been a premier grower of heavy gourds for years. He is a great individual and generous with sharing his seeds. I too feel the Westfall line has world record potential. With all the talented growers here at BP, no doubt the record book can be rewritten.

1/27/2014 11:09:10 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Ok Mark, i'm in too...can you spot me the 25 ?? LOL.

I looked up the pelota gourds....but i think i will stick with the bushel for now. I think we can challenge 300 this year or next !

Do bushel cross with the long gourds??? That would be interesting....10 feet long X round ! LOL

1/28/2014 6:56:12 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes Chris You can pay me back in Orlando.The first Prime rib dinner is on you!No problem Class # 10 is born Bushel Gourd!We need to work out the details so its fair for awl.Will this be bushel gourds Only?Jason?Chris?Please respond.

Also there may be a need to extend the season for are mates down under.The sunflower class will be extended to DEC.31st for sunflowers.In Brisbane they can start in September & get 100 to 120 days to grow.Were worldwide if its grown in 2014 it counts.

1/28/2014 7:33:49 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

I still want to see some more pictures. Anyone have on cut open ? Or at least, tell me what they are like inside !
How thick is the shell/sides...or whatever.
Email me some picts if you can't post pictures... i can post them
[email protected]

1/28/2014 8:37:11 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

I would like to see 5 places. What can you do for that Mark?
Got to think big ! ;)

1/28/2014 8:40:36 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

They are totally solid. There is no cavity, kind of like a cucumber. The seeds are throughout .

1/28/2014 8:52:45 AM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

I never took a picture of one cut open but the best way I could describe it is like whale blubber on the inside with a hard green maybe half inch thick shell on the outside. When I cut it open I could stick my hand in and pull out seeds and the hole would seal back up as I pulled my hand out. Fairly disgusting.

1/28/2014 8:53:37 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Totally cool. I didn't think they were soild. I had a pict sent that i will post today. No wonder they are so heavy compaired to everything else !

How do you dry them?? Cut a hole, scoop out, let dry ??

1/28/2014 9:37:27 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

I put Jason Gfeller's pictures in my diary for all to see.


1/28/2014 12:52:40 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Does anyone have contact info on Dan Westfall? I traded watermelon seeds with him a few years ago, but don't have his contact stuff. If someone does, can they get a hold of him to see if he is interested.

1/28/2014 12:58:40 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

With my 187 I took the seeds out when they looked like the pictures you posted of Jason's gourd. At that stage the fruit is young and fresh. The seeds came out but their was so much flesh that I could not remove. I did my best to get off all the flesh but it was impossible to get it all off. I had much better results when I did the 175est and 165est. i let the fruits sit around for a couple of months. By then the interior is starting to get nasty. Let's stick with the whale blubber description. (that makes me chuckle). The seeds were now a nice dark tan color and not covered with any flesh. I washed them up and dried them as I would pumpkins. So my belief is that the the gourd needs to be aged first before the seeds are harvested.

1/28/2014 3:24:32 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

John, That is a great description,so true! I use a bee supply implement called a hive tool. They cost around $10 and it does a great job shaving that blubber out. The curved side works best. I saved my bushel gourd by cutting a circular hole on the bottom, shaving the blubber and saving the seeds. Only after 14 days of continuous use of a fan blowing into the hole did the interior completely dry out. I could tell you a horror story of trying to dry out a large bushel gourd by letting it sit down the basement and naturally age and dry out. It works sometimes,but....OOOH the stench of a gourd gone bad! I will get in touch with Dan to see if he is interested.

1/28/2014 4:34:27 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thinking 150 1st
100 2nd
50 3rd
50 4th
50 5th place

Thats 400$ to start if you get 15 people to join we will raise the top 3 prizes I will also add a 4th & 5th to the Sunflower class there at 11 members already

1/28/2014 6:57:02 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Thats great Mark. We get the free bottle of product with that too & seeds if we choose right????

1/28/2014 10:05:55 PM



I just signed up also for this contest very interesting, we can start a new Trend

Otis :)

1/30/2014 10:17:25 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

i'm in too. Sounds like a fun plant to grow and with a free product from WWGG its a win win in my book. Thanks Mark for doing this for us !!

1/31/2014 6:10:17 AM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Chris, What are your thoughts on using the bushel gourds as the grafting understock on watermelons?
Otis, great to see more growers jumping in. I think the field is wide open in regards to whom shall win. Mix in the talent of the growers here plus experimenting with growing techniques
should equal big weights.

1/31/2014 5:28:24 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes I have seeds & will get more to ship with your choice of products Voodoo Juice,Piranha or Tarantula.I will set this page up on Sunday for bushel gourds/heaviest gourd.

1/31/2014 8:08:06 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters


Page is set up. I added 4th & 5th pay offs to lope & tallest sunflower also

2/2/2014 8:40:02 AM



Looking for some 245 plants any one have any extra I will pay for plant and shipping



5/20/2014 11:40:55 PM



Chris Kent sent me a plant, Thanks Chris

7/13/2014 1:03:59 AM


President - GPC

Count me in...another contest with CoJoe...lol

9/23/2014 10:00:08 AM

Total Posts: 59 Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 1:30:37 AM
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