Discussion of Scientific Literature
Subject: Humic"Acid" and Fulvic Acid
Date Posted
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
I've been looking into the science behind the addition of humic/fulvic acid to soil and the benefits to the plant. On it's face it seems like great idea and an exceptional way of binding cations/nutrients making them more available to the plant. Having said that, the acid/s aren't selective. They can also bind with nitrogen and phosphorus.
It appears that a lot of folks are applying humic/fulvic acid regularly. Since the acids aren't selective, i.e. they don't know which nutrients you want them to bind, add them could increase the availability of elements you might not want to increase, e.g. nitrogen.
You may know that humic acid really isn't acidic. Does anyone know the PH of what's currently sold or the affect on PH of adding granular.
1/7/2022 12:06:56 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Right. No one claims these could balance your soil out. But they'd sure be useful if they could. Some people might apply a single chelated nutrient though. Is that what you mean? Could you chelate just calcium using humic acid? And then apply it? I assume so.
1/7/2022 6:24:09 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
wow, i am really behind or have forgotten everything...hope you keep up the discussion...it could help me grow psuedo-hydro in sand..maybe 2022 could be a possibility instead of 2023.
Sorry, i will just read...thanks Garwolf
1/7/2022 7:49:20 PM
Zeke |
Team Canuckle Heads
I started mixing these 2 last year and had good results. Plus I changed my potassium from phosphate to sulfate. I use the humic/fulvic mix though
1/8/2022 11:28:27 AM
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
What the products claim is that they bind all types of cations, Mn, Mg, Boron etc. making more nutrients available to the plant. However the products will pretty much bind any cation including those you may not need. I used Nitrogen for an example because my nitrogen is already sufficient. I wouldn't want to apply anything that might increase nitrogen uptake.
1/10/2022 3:50:02 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Makes sense. Nitrate is not a cation though I believe it is an anion. Ammonium acts like a cation, however. I could be wrong. I know so little. If no one has a good answer then its a dead end. Hopefully someone knows. This is where I resign myself just do a comparison to see what seems to work without knowing why.
1/10/2022 6:04:05 PM
baitman |
Central Illinois
It's too early in the morning for me. I am sure the answer is on this page https://www.youtube.com/user/WWCCSoils/videos
1/14/2022 8:11:39 AM
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