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Subject:  SSLG Long Gourds

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[email protected]

Now that I'm a member of the Secret Society of Long Gourdsmen (Thank You Clarence!!!), I can't help but wonder if there is an online source of genetic data such as AGGC.



5/30/2004 12:08:45 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont


5/30/2004 12:45:45 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont


5/30/2004 12:45:45 PM


Western Pa.


Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing! I obtained some long gourd seeds from Clarence last year, and the longest they grew was 2' long!

5/30/2004 4:41:14 PM


Maybe it was Grower Error kilr!!! :-) I know we already have a plethora of message boards on this sight, but a long gourd sections would be cool. Mine are just popping up and spreading their cotyledons. They better fill up the 12 foot trellis we built, otherwise my dad will have a fit!

5/30/2004 10:56:52 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

i had gourds planted and they grew like mad dogs. The vine was already at 3 feet still in a small pot. LMAO. It was too cold to plant out and it was to wet or soil was ready to build the trellis, (money was a object at that time). So i have no gourds now which is ok because they only paid out 100 bucks for first place and there would be slim chances i would get anything anyways. next year i will plant later.

5/31/2004 5:14:35 AM


[email protected]

We're going to grow these for the fun of it. I think the lumber cost me $45.00 or so. I'll need to cover it with hog fencing I guess. That'll cost a couple more bucks. The troublew here is the posturing for space in an already tight garden! My wife laid claim to the spot I had in mind for a "cutting garden". I'll cut it alright! Vroom Vroom!!!

Time to go stake out another spot.

5/31/2004 7:51:44 AM


Omaha, NE (N41-15-42 )

I ran out of time this year to build a trellis, so I'm using my deck as a trellis, and if it goes well for me, I'll build one next year. The deck is about 14' high, and I'm going to wrap one of the supports with chicken wire, and run the plant up to the deck, and then try and grow the fruit down from the deck. Could be crazy, but we'll see.

5/31/2004 12:23:23 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

"I can't help but wonder if there is an online source of genetic data such as AGGC" S.J.

Al Eaton is working on a project like this. He asks everyone growing his seed to keep a family tree and include it with all seeds being sent out.
I think it's a great idea to control the LG gene pool as this was the way that got us to where we are today with the AGs.
A 1500lbs pumpkin seems to be just around the corner, so why not a 150" LG?
With the additional attention the LGs are getting now and the starting of controlled genetics it seems like only a matter of time until we get there.

I'm a member of the "Secret Society of Long Gourdsmen" now as well so watch out! LOL


5/17/2005 5:49:45 PM

Total Posts: 9 Current Server Time: 2/25/2025 3:13:49 AM
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