Long Gourd Growing Forum
Subject: LG germination
Date Posted
tim |
Hyde Park, Utah USA
This is my first time growing long gourds. Are there any tricks to germinating the seeds?
4/16/2014 3:33:29 PM
Captain 97 |
Stanwood, Washington
I am in the same boat I received my seeds in the mail yesterday. I have no clue what I am doing but it seems like it should be fairly easy compared to AGs.
4/22/2014 1:52:07 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA [email protected]
In my experience they can sometimes take a little longer to germinate than pumpkins. I file the edges just like the pumpkins, and keep the temperature at 88 to 90 degrees.
4/22/2014 3:50:05 PM
cojoe |
Try a few different seed stocks if possible.Some of the gourd seeds wont sprout no matter what.I agree with iowegian on the warm temps.
4/24/2014 2:23:58 PM
Team Wexler |
Lexington, Ky
I fill up a clear egg carton with very moist starting mix and put 1 seed in each egg "chamber". Stuff it in the oven on the top rack, lamp with 35 watt bulb in the bottom. Temps will range from 95 at night to 105 during the day. Around noon or so, I move the container to the bottom (heat rises), around 9:00 pm....back to the top.
The egg container does a great job of retaining both heat and moisture and since I'm not dealing with a large volume of starting mix, it sure helps keep the temps constant. Added bonus is being able to see tap roots by simply lifting up the container and taking a peek at the bottom. 5 to 7 days and I'm transplanting. I think having extra moist mix is as important as temps pushing 90.
FWIW, I place duct tape on the oven controls when using this method. Melting plastic has a God awful smell that hangs around for a couple days.
4/25/2014 10:36:54 AM
BillF |
Buffalo, MN ([email protected])
A trick to try in 2015. Lets say I planted more seeds then needed, I started with a five hour soak, and moved to baggies/ paper towel mwthod. many stated rooting several days later with one or two every other day for a week. after 10 days I was down to three seeds which two were 137.5s, on the fourteenth day I decided to pitch one and wait a another day on the 137s. But I decided I had nothing to lose so I decided to do the advanced seed starting method and both seeds sprouted the next day.
5/17/2014 11:12:15 PM
duff |
Topsfield, Ma.
My best success w/LG seed starting: file edges, 12-24 hr soak,direct into seed starting mix, on 90* heat in baggies to preserve the moisture level until popping up. Hope this helps! They can take a LOT longer than AG seeds to pop! Good luck!
5/22/2014 7:45:59 PM
SWdesert |
Las Cruces NM
I'm going to agree with cojoe. I ended up expended every seed in my hoard this year. I had failure after failure, but had 2 for 2 of same stock in one batch and one of three of same stock in another batch sprout. So I firmly believe some just will not germinate while others do great!
So, with that it is best to try many different seed stocks!
6/20/2014 2:41:20 PM
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