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Subject:  West Coast Growers

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North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Only a 2nd year grower but our climate must be OK here in British Columbia for growing gourds as both times we have done OK with them. This year, we have one at 110" that is still growing and a couple others on the plant that are chasing down the big one...

I wondered from other West Coast growers, what is considered to be really big in our region and how many other growers are out there...I think I am the only one in my entire Province of 4.5 Million people unless there alot of closet growers out there.

We won the Master Grower award for a local Harvest Festival a couple of years ago when we entered the long gourds, pumpkins and sunflowers. Even the Agriculture specialists were stumped as to what kind of plant would grow such a monterous long gourd.

9/4/2013 9:15:44 PM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

Hi NSB -- it sounds like you are doing just great with LGs.I just looked at www.longgourd-growers.com and I saw nothing listed for B.C. Sounds like you have the B.C. alltime provincial record there so you should make sure you get your "official" length and ancestory recorded this fall.
BTW "official" just means it was measured at a public competition and in accordance with the GPC rules.
Keep up the good work and I predict there will be a few more BC LG growers appear next year to challenge your best.
BTW if you had a name on your messages perhaps you might get a better response.I am probably "old fashioned" but if someone writes me and doesn't even put their name on the message then that reduces the inclination to respond.
Just a comment,nothing personal,whoever you are.

Cheers--Al Eaton,Richmond,Ontario,LG addict since 2003

9/10/2013 7:02:21 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Thanks Mr. Eaton I appreciate your response.

My name is Glenn, I've been growing AGs since 2005 and joined this website as "North Shore Boyz" as I am from an area of Vancouver called the North Shore and I was growing in a group of buddies....North Shore Boyz.

We have a GPC event here in Vancouver on October 12th where I will be officially getting my gourds measured.

While I have your attention on this message, may I be so bold as to ask you if I can send you a bubble this year for some long gourd seeds to grow next year.

Many thanks/Glenn Dixon

9/17/2013 12:33:09 AM

Total Posts: 3 Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 11:54:39 AM
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