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Subject:  Germination trick?

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Palm Chicken

McMinnville, Oregon

I found gourds take alot longer than AGs to germinate! I sand all my AGs, but end up with carpoltunnel trying to sand those little gourd seeds. I soak seeds overnight then crack them with my teeth? LOL but it works great for me! I started approx 100 differant gourds tonight using this method with no fatalities.My 4" pots are pre-saturated and they dont get water until I see sprouts. dried pots that have been set aside often sprout to my amazement. Gourds also root at each node like pumpkins? HMMM

4/16/2011 5:29:38 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

When it comes to gourd seeds...and keep in mind, I don't grow big dollar long gourds, just ornamentals...I break out the dremel to do the filing!!! Be careful, a dremel will peel skin off yer fingers in a heartbeat!!! Curious if yer crackin em flat or edge to edge? Peace, Wayne
PS...also curious what you put into those 4" pots?

4/16/2011 11:17:57 PM

Palm Chicken

McMinnville, Oregon

Wayne: I save my best pots & soil for my AG. I have few pollinated seeds with lenth. I rarely hand pollinte gourds. since im generally exhausted from tending pumpkins and garden.Im smile with content as I head in noticing all the white flowers opening for evening. My soil was just miricle grow potting soil with added peat moss. Two companies I like for seed are Livingston & Ferry Morse. I also plant my own seeds. Using bulk seed like this I plant 4 in the corners of 4" pots to save space. I transplant as seeds emerge giving the a complete bath in mixtures of B1, worm tea, or mycrorizal. Total saturation helps with transplant shock.As far as cracking I hold tips of seed side to side between teeth, then use twisting motion withfingers on the back rather than actual crunching.They tend to always take to long germinating, so when I notice 1 or 2 sprouting Is when I transplant. often time the remaining seeds will have sprouted but just havent pushed outof soil. Back on the heat until established or needing room. all plants transfer to shelves without heat to harden off. Labeling has alwas been the most timeconsuming part of starting seeds.

4/17/2011 3:28:52 AM

Palm Chicken

McMinnville, Oregon

Gourds emerging from soil, the downfall of cracking rather than sanding is that the seed coat tends to stay connected to cotyledans(first leaves) Its very tempting to try removing seed coat, generally more damage is caused by doing this.

4/28/2011 1:53:51 AM


SE Minnesota

I don't file or soak...wet a paper towel...place inside a baggie...place in 90 temps and be patient...i've had great luck with this method with some popping in 30-33 hrs...

4/28/2011 3:37:01 PM


Las Cruces NM

bigbuck, I do about the same but not "wet paper towel" as can rot seeds ... moist is good enough! I just put on top of hot water heater ... 100% germination this year -- was shocked!

4/29/2011 1:21:18 AM

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