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Subject:  finally got a gourd!!!!

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Hamilton Nj

well i have bein looking for a gourd for months now and i finally got not one but 2 of them lol !!!! can anyone please tell me the chances they self polinated both the flowers are brown on them and there about 3 inches long !!!! just wondering if im too late never grew theese before pizza

8/5/2010 8:13:03 PM

Pumpkin Picker (Orange Only)

Western PA

Not to sure if this is going to answer your question but here it is:

In my area it is very rear for the insects to pollinate a gourd. The lg gourds are different from pumpkins, instead of the flowers opening in the morning they open in the evening after all the pollinating insects have gone to bed in my area. So in less I hand pollinate it, I have no gourds growing. The gourds will start to grow a little maybee 4 or 5 inches then they will abort if the pollination did not take.

if you need more females to show up try hitting the plant with some bloom buster.

Good luck

8/5/2010 11:35:03 PM


Hamilton Nj

thank you !!!!

8/6/2010 1:22:09 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

Eliminate the "chance" aspect and look the plant over good for possible females every day! They do hide in the canopy but after a while you should be able to identify prospective gords. Why wait and hope when you can do it better...LOL! Good luck! Duff

8/6/2010 8:10:24 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Picker, and all...see'in as I can't seem to gro a pkn, I am gonna try LG's next year, do you pollinate by flashlight, ??? Serious ?!!! Peace, Wayne
PS...PP, curious about yer last post, you stated "very rear" ...hoping you meant "rare"!!! LOL What time o nite is hand pollination done?

8/7/2010 1:08:40 AM


Hamilton Nj

wayne, my gourd starts blooming at around 45 minutes before dark and goes all night ,cloudy mornings i still have male flowers at 7-8 oclock dont know if i can deal with 10 pm polinations lol and i did find some more gourds when i started looking lol thanks everyone pizza

8/7/2010 9:14:37 AM

just bill ( team Pettit )

Adams County

my trelles was blown down this spring . I had 4 Attaway plants about 5' high on it. so i let it go figured it killed all plants. went out to look at the mess this weekend, and had 4 Gourd on the fallen trellis from 4' to 5' long . some curled up from being on the ground. but i did not pollinate them. so something did Humming bird, bee not sure but something did..

8/9/2010 9:05:42 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Self pollinations are possible depending on where you live. I have done nightime pollinations in the past but so far this year, all of mine have been done early evening or early morning. Whenever the females are ready, that's the time.

8/9/2010 10:04:54 PM


Hamilton Nj

so far i found 3 gourds all 3-4 inches long its bein 4 days they still look good pizza

8/10/2010 12:29:57 AM



I had flowers open yesterday at noon????

8/10/2010 6:58:19 PM

Total Posts: 10 Current Server Time: 2/24/2025 4:39:10 AM
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