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Subject:  The growing season has arrived for LG's

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Bob Attaway

Flowery Branch, Georgia

Best of luck to all LG growers.
Bob Attaway

5/7/2010 4:57:54 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Thanks Bob

5/7/2010 5:38:06 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Thanks Bob. This year I'm IN! Last year was 0:17 so I'm pumped.

5/7/2010 7:17:35 PM


Sparta, NC

Will start seeds sunday here. Good luck everyone.

5/7/2010 9:41:03 PM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

Started mine May 6,which is earlier than ideal,but I want a comfortable window to start a second batch later,if need be.
My rule-of-thumb for LGs is to start 10-15 days after the best local date for AGs.

5/8/2010 7:38:25 AM


Anamosa, IA [email protected]

One is up, waiting until after tonight's freeze to hit the ground.

5/8/2010 8:59:05 AM



4 for 4 for my LG seeds (2) 107 lovelace and (2) 111 Lovelace.

5/8/2010 11:04:45 AM

Dutch Brad


134.25 didn't germinate, so I will be going with their 110 along with a 122 Eaton. The 110 is starting its first true leaf.

5/8/2010 1:57:09 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

Good luck to you Bob! Went 5 for 6 on first germ round 5/1.
Second round filed and soaked today. Hoping for similar success! Best of luck to all!

5/8/2010 6:16:40 PM

grunt worker


Just up are the 134.25 J/B, 125.75 Urena, 111 Lovelace, 106.13 Jutras, 111 Urena, still waiting on the 109 Eaton and 122.56 Kline. The 134.25 took 15 days to come up.Best of luck to everyone

5/9/2010 7:17:47 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Put 8 in, one was airseed (felt weird, split it open, it never even had mush in it) and two had cracked end so should be doing roots right now; one is breaking dirt with green! 3:8, or 3:7 and one airseed. So far. I am PUMPED!

5/9/2010 11:32:32 AM


Sparta, NC

I'm starting mine today

134.25 Johnson/Butler
129.38 Dwelly
125 Urena
111.88 Lovelace
109 Eaton
106.13 Jutras

I misplaced starting lineup till just a few minutes ago. LOL Man I was beginning to stress. Best of luck everyone.

5/9/2010 3:24:37 PM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

JBL--the 109 takes 6-10 days and I get about a 50% germination rate--my experience FYI.---AE
PS--but it is worth the wait

5/11/2010 8:59:54 AM

grunt worker


Thanks for the info Al, I just planted a couple more 109's today. I always try to wait couple weeks before I give up on them.

5/11/2010 5:29:20 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

125.25 Jutras is out of seedcase and making green... seeing one 80.3 Karvenin (can't spell it, sorry) and one 97 Lovelace starting to hoist from dirt. Weee! I'm just so happy to have some this year!

5/11/2010 9:09:18 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I have to tell ya, my little experiment with getting an early start is proving to be a challenge. I have two 107.5 Attaway's growing outside and lots more inside including 5 of my favorite 95 Seca 2000. Tonight's low is -1. Lots of heat for the outside plants and the Seca Plants are dark green and looking awesome. Hoping to cross the two for a quasi 109 Eaton. 107.5 Attaway ( 88.5 Eaton x self ) x 95 Seca and reverse. Also a 96 Knox that is kicking at the gates, I like the diversity here. Going to be a great season.

5/11/2010 9:32:43 PM


Sparta, NC

OK after 9 days I am

1 for 2 on the 134.25 Johnson/Butler
2 for 2 with 129.38 Dwelly
2 for 2 with 111.88 Lovelace
2 for 2 with 109 Eaton
2 for 2 with 106.13 Jutras

I have had good germination rate this season.

5/18/2010 8:25:53 PM


Long Island,New York

4 for 4 on the 111 lovelace
1 for 1 on the 125 Urena

5/18/2010 8:59:46 PM

Total Posts: 18 Current Server Time: 2/24/2025 7:36:10 AM
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