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Subject:  Long Gourd question

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Sparta, NC

How old does a long gourd have to be before the seeds are mature?

9/3/2006 5:07:54 PM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

not sure, but i just wanted to say congrats on some beastly long gourds!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've been trying to figure those out for awhile and i'm thinking heat is good after seeing yours !!

9/3/2006 6:37:35 PM



whats the currrent world record long gourd ?

i know a rookie long gourder who has one well over 125 inches


9/4/2006 6:30:20 AM


Sparta, NC

Thanks Christy..................TUG the cureent WR is the 116.63 Lyons 05'

9/4/2006 6:59:32 AM



TUG, and anyone else who is interested, the current official WR for Long Gourds is the 116.63 inch Llyons 05. The longest recorded LG is the 122.00 inch Eaton DMG 05. Here is the link to the All-Time List Of Largest Long Gourds.........

Therefor at well over 125 inches that rookie Long Gourd Grower has, to date, obviously broken the WR and the longest recorded Long Gourd. It is written in the Long Gourd constitution that any TUG who grows Long Gourds MUST be de-bagged and revealed immediately. LMAO.


9/4/2006 7:00:47 AM


Jackson Twp, Ohio

LOL @ mike!! dang as soon as he "de-bags" i need to write a letter for seeds .....

9/4/2006 12:01:34 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

Hey Tug, give the rookie LG grower a good head's up...tie that gourd to a board before harvesting it. They're very breakable right off the vine, only harden up after a while!
Learned the hard way...LOL!

9/4/2006 6:49:43 PM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

by the way, should or how do you add extra support for these things as they grow? I'm not sure if I need to or even how to for that matter. Help!

9/4/2006 11:57:39 PM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic


Read this article on our website.


It's about how to grow long gourds & I think they mention something about skewing the real heavy ones with metal pins. I hope it helps. Email me if you'd like Chris Lyons email address. Hope this helps.


9/5/2006 6:36:57 AM


Sparta, NC


I havr heard that some people use panyhose to support the lg. Put the gourd in one leg and tie the other up for support. I'm not using anything for support myself. I do have em tied to keep the wind from making em swing.

9/5/2006 7:08:47 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

When they get really big the wind is your enemy panty hose them.

9/5/2006 9:58:05 PM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

The Lyons put stainless steel pins through the top of the biggest fruit & tie it off. They say it doesn't hurt them. I think it might be in the above article I posted. Good luck.


9/6/2006 7:40:07 AM

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